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Guy and Girl
Guy and Girl

Guy and Girl meets, becomes friends, become best friends, even if they never told each other that. They tell each other everything, have late night talks, etc. Only a few people know they were friends coz they never talked in public. Then a mutual friend started teasing them, setting them up and everything. Girl just laughs everything off coz she wants to be more than friends with the guy even if the mutual friend didn’t know it. She thinks guy feels the same way because of the way he talks to her, and the way he acts. But during that time, the girl and the guy had stopped talking. The girl didn’t know why so she kept quiet. Whenever she talked to their mutual friend, she never brought up the guy’s name. It took her a while to get over the guy but eventually she moved on, although she never forgot about the guy.

Then one night, the guy and the girl meet once again. They were surprised and acted as if nothing ever happened between them but eventually, the guy told the girl that they needed to talk. And so they talked in a quiet place, where no one can bother them. The guy told the girl that he loves her. And the girl…she told him that she loved him, before.

Oh my gosh, how could he do this to me?! When I finally got over him, when I almost forgot about him…he has to come back to my life and tell me he loves me…what will I do? It hurts so much…I keep remembering the pain he has caused me…what will I do?? He’s telling me he loves me…oh my gosh…I loved him before, and I still love him now…do I tell him? No. What if he hurts me…I can’t bear the pain…I want to cry…but I can’t do that in front of him…no…but I want to cry so badly and let out all the pain in my heart…no…I can’t…

The girl kept quiet… the two of them kept silent for a while. Then the guy asks if the girl is all right…girl says yes, she’s fine. Silence descends upon them again. The guy again tells the girl that he loves her…and the girl repeats what she said earlier, she loved him before…but he caused her pain and she’s afraid to get hurt again. Guy asks if they can start over again, be friends, although he wants to be more than friends…he loves her...and she does too, even if he doesn’t know it. She agrees to be friends once again, and her heart starts to beat wildly…

What am I getting myself into? Friends…we can never be friends…but here we are. I don’t want to lose him…but I already did. What’s gotten into my heart? I never felt this way heart feels like it’s gonna burst. Is it happiness...or anxiety? I have no idea…Do I dare take him back into my life? …I don’t know! Slowly…we’ll take it slowly...

The guy and girl stands up…started walking and talking. The guy gets girl’s hand…and the girl doesn’t pull away...

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