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If I were to drown in the middle of the sea,
Will you gather all your strength just to save me?
If were a bird flying in the sky,
Will you be the wind to help me fly high?
If I were a weed in the middle of the garden.
Will you still tend to me and let me not be forgotten?
If I were lonely and feeling blue,
Will you color my wind with vibrant hues?
If I gave my soul to somebody for free,
Will you still find It and buy it back for me?
If I were a beggar begging in the streets,
Will you give me your slippers to let me warm my feet?
If I were having a frightful dreams,
Will you hold me tight and tell me not to scream?
If I were a princess locked in a tower,
Will you be my knight in shining armor and save me from the witch’s power?
If I were to travel alone at night,
Will you be the fire to guide and give me light?
If I were the smallest among all the stars,
Will you still look at me though I am small and far?
If I were so tired, so weary and drained,
Will you comfort e and ease all my pains?
If I were a child, so gentle and mild,
Will you protect me from the world, so feral and so wild?
And if I were to die and tomorrow’s the day,
Will you willing to take my place so I will be the one here to stay?
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