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Love...part II
I Love you

Every time I see you go,
With you I want to go.
I just want you to know
That I’ll always love you so.

Loving the Unloved

Together with our friends, we always go out
Whatever they do, we trust them, no doubt
Sometimes we get drunk, and do stupid things
Nothing we can do, we accept what destiny brings.

Whatever things that they get us into
We stick up for them, whatever they do
‘Coz for some of us, they’re our family
‘Coz sometimes, for us, our folks are too busy.

Our friends sometimes have no one that cares
Trusting us, her feeling and soul she bares
We should always listen to her problems
And if we can, we should help her solve them.

Some of our friends turn to us for comfort
So instead of shooing them away, give support
‘Coz they need our support and also our love
so whatever we do, we should love the unloved.

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