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These quotes are from Nina Laset who got these from a friend who got it from text messages..i think...well some of these quotes are from my other friends...well i just wanna thank you. =)
“Here I am again in this empty room dreaming I were someplace with you and then I wake up and realize I am with you in a special place—in my heart.”

There are so many stars in the sky, only some are radiant enough to be noticed. Among those you choose to ignore is the one which is willing to shine for you even if your glance remains elsewhere.”

“Don’t let me walk alone, I want to walk by your side. Don’t let me talk to someone else, it’s you I want to talk with. Don’t let me fall for someone else, it’s you I’ve fallen in love with.”

“The man in your dreams is different from the man in your heart. Forget about the perfect prince in your mince and go with your heart for he is whats real and perfectly right before your eyes.”

“In words, love can be read. In action, love can be measured. But what others don’t know is that even in silence, love can be heard.”

“There is only 1 risk in life worth taking…it’s the risk of getting hurt when you fall in love, because experiencing the joy of being in love is worth all the pain anytime and anyday.”

“It’s the presence of the soul that makes us live, but it’s the presence of love that makes us want to live.”

“You’ve got to love life to have a lovelife, but you’ve got to lose your lovelife to love life.”

“Friendship is a miracle that happens in the heart. If 2 friends fall in love, they’re for each other. If they fall out of love, they realize that they want to keep each other forever.”

“Love is like a butterfly..the more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it would come to you when you least expect it.”

“When you say that you love someone, you’re not always right. But when you feel that you love someone, you know that it’s true.”

“I do believe that to love someone is free of charge, but once we get hold of it, you’ll keep it as if it’s the most expensive thing in this world you could ever have.”

“The best date is someone who can take you anywhere without moving anything but your heart.”

“Everything in life is temporary because everything changes…that’s why it takes great courage to love….knowing it might end anytime…But having faith, it will last forever.”

“Learn to appreciate the rainbow after cursing the rain. It’s just like loving again after experiencing the pain.”

“If you think that you’ve lost all your love, it will find a way back to your heart. Not necessarily with the same person but with someone better. SO don’t lose hope, hang on.”

“I said hello…but you didn’t mind. I offered my shoulder…but you took me for granted. I said I love you….but you didn’t hear. So I said goodbye…and you said wait…”

“Don’t shed your tears for someone who has hurt you. Don’t long for that person if he had left. Don’t feel sorry if you have failed when you have tried your best. Someone’s out there more deserving for your time and love."

“It’s friends that become the deepest love. It’s like one day, someone flicks a switch and you wake up and your best friend becomes the person you could never live without.”

“Real love, like love, happens only once. If that’s what you have, then you don’t need any other because it’s more than enough to last a lifetime.”

“You can’t make someone love you. All you do is be someone that can be loved; the rest is up to the person to realize you’re worth.”

“How do I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why is it that I miss someone I was never with? And I’ll ask why I love someone whose love was never mine…?”

“If I were a bear, would you hug me? If I were a cookie, would you eat me? If I were a painting, would you stop and look at me? And if I were to say I love you. Would you say you love me too?”

“Never rush in love for it never runs our. Let love be the one to knock at your door, so by the time you start to fall, you’ll never know what you’re feeling is sure.”

“You may be destined to be someone you don’t know, someone you’ve never met or someone who is a complete stranger…but then again, that someone might be the one you’re with right now.”

“I choose to love you in silence for in silence, I find the rejection. I chose to adore you in my loneliness for in my loneliness, no one owns you but me….”

“Love isn’t about becoming somebody else’s perfect person. It’s about finding someone who helps you become the best that you can be.”

“If I never met you, I wouldn’t like you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t love you. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you. But I did, I do and I will….”

“There are things that hurt us, but since we love the people who have hurt us so much, we learn to place the pain in the back of our minds so we can learn to love them again.”

“I love this man who doesn’t love me. So I ask my best friend what should I do so that he will love me too? He replied, ‘Just be yourself because that’s the reason why I’m falling in love with you.”

“The hardest thing in breaking up, no matter who does it, is that you’re losing the person you confide in the most. You want to call him and say, ‘Help! I’m really hurting’. But you can’t, because he’s the reason you got hurt.”

“Even if love is full of thorns, I’d still embrace you for I know that in between those thorns, there’s a rose that’s worth all the pain..”

“The best teacher is time when the best subject is love…”

“Acting indifferent when you don’t’ care is east…but the hard part is acting indifferent when you do care a lot.”

“The mystery is this: How does love begin?
The challenge is: How to make it stay.
The magic is: When it does…”

“When we love someone, we never give up easily on that person, even if we get hurt badly. We’ll find a way to ease the pain and learn to understand and forgive. That’s how love works.”

“People seldom say I love you, and when they do, it’s either too late or love is gone. But when I say I love you, it doesn’t mean you have to stay but I whish you’d never go.”

“Fate determines who comes in our lives. The heart determines who stays.”

“There’s no such thing as ideal person, no such thing as ideal love, you just fall in love and nothing maters anymore and everything just turns out perfectly.”

“To love someone is knowing that you’re going to get hurt but still doing your best for your love to be noticed even if you know that you don’t stand a chance in owning his/her heart.”

“I’m restless, I’m depressed, I’m sad, I’m forlorn, all for just 2 reasons…I’m here and you’re there.”

“The real test of true love is having all the things go wrong but still having a special way to love in spite of all the wrong things that may happen,”

“No love can hurt as much as the love that can never be…And no thoughts can hurt as much as the thoughts of a love that could have been.”

“It’s better to love someone that you can have than to love someone you can’t have.”

“Your portrait has already been painted since we’ve met and it’s hung on my heart’s wall for me to remind myself that I have met someone like you.”

‘When love comes, let it be nothing more but truth and understanding. No plans, contracts or promises. No complaints or demands to change. Just the simple fact that you are loved for who you are.”

“When love strikes you for the first time, it feels like you could give up everything. But when it’s time to say goodbye, you’re left with nothing but the memory, which is hard to let go.”

“Let me not feel when you have the arms to catch me. Love me not in darkness when you know you’re my only hope to see. Never put me down when you can forever make me fly. Never ever leave me when you know it will make me cry.”

“In times of loving, the mind asks What the mind questions the heart answers. When the mind resists the heart insists. This is the time that the mind loses and the heart wins.”

If 5 people only cared for you, I’d be one of them. If only 1 person cared for you, that wold be me. But if no one cares for you, that means I’m already gone.”

“I fell for you, you didn’t know. I cared for you, you knew it’s true. I cried for you, truly it’s you. But when I’ll let you got, it’s because you can never love me too.”

“Don’t be too good, I might miss you. Don’t be too caring, I might like you. Don’t be too sweet, I might fall. It’s hard for me to love you when you won’t love me after all.”

“Sometimes you wonder why you stay in a position that hurts you so much even though you know you can live without him. Then you realize, it’s all because you love that person so much to let go...”

“To hug is to give comfort. To kiss is to wipe tears. To love is to show you care and to tell that you’ll always be there.”

“He said I missed you, I said, I missed you too. Then he fell silent and so did i. Then I said thanks you, he asked for what? I said thank you for giving me back my life. He smiled and said thank you, you started mine..”

“Never be friends with someone if you mean to use her. Never make a promise you cant’ keep. Never be sweet if you mean no ignore her. Never let her fall for you if you don’t intend to love her back.”

“It’s hard to pretend you love someone if you really don’t. but it’s harder to pretend you don’t love someone if you really do.”

“In my heart, I died because of the honesty I was denied. For every spoken word I head one tear. My heart now numb to love, for all it knows is fear.”

“Loving, knowing you’re going to get hurt, is like living, knowing you’re going to dire. But not loving so you won’t get hurt is like killing yourself before you die.”

“You should not be stupid enough to fall in love with someone who is more stupid, not to fall in love with someone like you.”

“To let go doesn’t mean to stop caring
To let go is to learn there’s something beyond
To let go means accepting realty
To let go is loving more because you really want the best.”

“One; half of square plus zero plus half of X plus middle of the sea; ¾ of X plus zero plus middle of the sun” SOLVE!!

“I’m glad friends doesn’t come with price tags….for if it did…I could never afford someone as great as you.”

“The day you broke my heart, I dropped a tear in the ocean. Whenever someone finds it that’s the time I will stop loving you.”

You seem like a sundae in a cup with marshmallows on top, so very sweet that I would wish it would never stop. How I wish I was the cup so I can hug you from bottom to top.”

Never leave things unsaid with the one you love because you’ll never know if you ever have another chance to say them again.”

Somewhere in your heart, try to find a place for me. Somewhere in your heart, I won’t care where it might be. One little corner mat not mean so much to you but 1 little corner would be enough to see me through.”

We’re afraid to fall in love because we’re afraid of rejection and getting hurt. But when we finally fall, all we’re afraid of is losing the one we’ve fallen in love with.”

There's always a reason why we have to move on…when we wanted to say goodbye to the feeling we wanted to stay forever. For love will have to set it’s wings free and find the place where it belongs.”

A part of you has grown in me and so you see, it’s you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.”

A sweet thing that a guy can say is I love you, but doesn’t mean it. But the sweetest thing that he can say is I don’t love you, but cries inside.”

A good relationship is not 2 people dependent upon each other. But rather, it is 2 independent people choosing to be together.”

A stolen glance, he looked this way…must be my chance must be my day! In his eyes a gentle gaze. He spoke the words so soft and true. “tell your friend, I love her, will you?”

When you’re in love, no one can ever tell but yourself. So let it all out and show it to that person, while it’s not yet too love for that person to surely love you the same way.”

I’m here to love you, to hold you in my arms and to protect you, I’m here to learn from you and receive your love in return. I’m here because there’s not other place to be.

We cannot gain if we do not let go, for there is no love without tears, no happiness without sacrifice and no forever without good-byes.”

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