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Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts....

October 26, 2002 - 11:54pm

I have created a Live Journal so i won't be updating this page anymore. You can read my live journal by clicking here. Thanks! Ü October 15,2002 - Late Night (11:06pm)

More than a year since my last post here. Hehe. So many things have happened...For one, i'm in college now...New people. And its been a crazy summer. Fell in back up... everything! Maybe one day i'll get around to typing that ill-fated love story. Hehe. And maybe add it to the other poems and stories within the site.... Maybe....

January 27,2001 - Early Morning (1:27am)

Tis been a long time since i added something here..a lot have changed...I went to Bacolod last week..and a lot of things have changed...i realized something...I'm HAPPY with my life is GREAT! Everythings turning out well, everythings turning out great...had a really great time in Bacolod, the people there were so great...had a big influence in my life...really changed my life...hay..i'll be writing something about my trip in Bacolod in the future...maybe next week..since m not really busy that life is many new friends...i can't explain what the feeling i's just so...overwhelming..the happiness i mean...

August 28, 2000 - Night

I feel great. Not perfect but better than the last 4 weeks. Wow. For 4 weeks i was depressed..well not exactly depressed pero badtrip...and i don't know why. Maybe it's because of all the tension and problems and disappointments..whatever. But yesterday, I smiled my first real smile for who knows how many days or weeks. Oh sure, there are still few dark clouds hanging above me..but ...still i feel better....even though someone who i thought understand me......doesn't understand me. AT ALL.

August 24, 2000 - Night

I really don't feel good...oh yeah i'm well physically but emotionally...i'm not. I dunno what's wrong with me....

August 22, 2000 - Night

I went to a retreat during the weekend. I was one of the facilitators. I really had a great time...and it made me think. I found something about one retreatant during the course of the retreat which i could relate to. I really want to talk to that person...but i can't. I just want to cry and cry.......

August 5, 2000 - Night

I'm confused. I dunno know what i'm feeling. I don't know what to do. I'm undecided about everything. I have mixed feelings. I'm ALONE.

July 29,2000 - Night time

I just got home from my cousin's wedding. It was fun... While i was there sitting..i thought of what i wrote in here last nite. And i realized that i've tried to open up to other people...but they just don't get it. It's either..they just..nod their heads and not say anything or...they change the subject. I don't want them just to agree to what i'm saying!!! I want them to say something...anything...contradict whatever i said or HELP! Right now I'm chatting in MIRC..i don't feel's another roller coaster ride.... AFTERTHOUGHT : Everytime i think that i have found that just..doesn't work out....

July 28, 2000 - Night time

I dunno what to put in here. Well, maybe this is an outlet for what i'm thinking or sumthing. I thought of this the other day.. i was in my room, thinking. I guess i was lonely..sad...depressed..whatever you want to call it.

What was i thinking about? I dunno...i dunno why i was sad at that time. Or maybe i do know but i don't want to acknowledge it. Which is stupid because that's what i'm doing right now. Acknowledging it. Hm. I don't know where to start. There's just many things i want to say. So many things and feelings i want to let out and voice out. Kse eh. I dunno talaga.

I was just thinking the other day how i had nobody to confide in. Oh sure i had friends, close friends, best friends. But there's this one person that really understands me..i know it sounds lame. A cliche. Whatever. But really. But the problem is...i have no idea where this person is right now. This person just...disappeared out of my life. Like when you put a cookie in front of a cookie monster or such (i know, crappy comparison). I don't know where he (when i use he..its juz a general thingie term) is right now. College? Abroad? Dead? Hopefully not.

But that's not the point. The point is that there's just times when you just want to talk to somebody, you know? When you want to share your expriences with him/her. When you want somebody who'll comfort you...Hay nako...Senti-MODE........if you can relate email me. Or whatever...what can i do?

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