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Thank You, Friend
Thank You, Friend
It’s only been a few months since we first met
We were cold to each other and indifferent
We used to be just acquaintances and yet
Now here we are, as close as two people can get.

We talked about anything that popped in our heads
We chat and joke around lying in our beds
We were comfortable with each others company
Helped each other with problems with our “honey”.

We were close friends, as close as two siblings can be
We had an open relationship, secret free
Nobody can break it off, not even you and me
‘Coz we’re stuck together, I hope forever.

I don’t know if I mentioned this before
You’re one-of-a-kind, sweet, thoughtful and many more
You’re there to share my pain and happiness, too
So I guess what I’m trying to say is Thank You.

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