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Wassup God??
Wassup God??

“Wassup God? Can you grant me a wish?
Can you make me young again when I had no problems? Yeah, right, I wish!
No, seriously, I’m in a state of confusion
Please help me make the right decision…”

Does this thought seem familiar to you?
When, one time in your life, you don’t know what to do?
Well, guess what?!? Lots of people feel the same way, too!!!

All of us, especially high school students
Go through a stage, when all we do is fret
“Do I look OK? Is my hair in place?”
Or perhaps, “What will I do with my face?”>

We are sometimes in confusion
When sometimes we are caught in a situation
When we have no idea what to do
With our lives so boring & temptations all around us.

Our elders or parents sometimes tell us
We are too young for the dating scenes or sometimes
“You’re a young adult so you should be more responsible!”
So what are we, itty-bitty kids or adults that are sensible?
But, what the heck! God will help us
In Him, we should have faith and trust
To leave us alone, He will never do!
For taking time to read this, I very much thank you.

“Wassup God? Thanks for everything you’ve done for me….”

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