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What's Up?
What's up??

So what's up with the webmistress of this page?? What have I been doing? How's my life and all that jazz? Well........There's been lots of activities in school.

« OCTOBER 2002 »
2 Been a crazy few months. Stressed in school and all that. But sembreak is just around the corner...and i'm free from school! At least for a few weeks...will try my best to update the site. Hmmm.

« SUMMER 2002 »
2 This summer is really busy for me. Well, i juz finished High School so i'm really looking forward to June...i'll be starting college already! But i'm busy this summer coz I'm active in my youth community in our church and we have many plans and activities for this summer. Besides that, i almost always go to malls (well...i'm a mall person...Ü)... so i'll try my best to update this site before summer ends! i have 1 month! :)