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What will I do?
What will I do??

What will I do if you pass me by?
I’d squeal with delight and try not to scream
What will I do id asked my name?
I’d answer shyly and ask you the same
What will I say id you say “I like you”?
I think I should just act the I should
What will I do if you touch my hand?
I’d look into your eyes and try to understand
What will I do if you hold me close?
I’d cherish the moment and love it the most
What will I do if there’s someone else?
I’d burn out the spark and stop ringing the bells
What will I do if you love her more?
I’ll cry and cry until my eyes are sore
What will I do if you walked out the door?
I’d try to recall id you said I love you before
What will I do id you screamed I hate you?
I’d walk up to you and say I hate you too
What will I do if you come running after me?
I’ll say it’s too late to say sorry
What will I do if you say “I love you”?
I’d smile at you and say, “I once loved you too”

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