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At The Journeys





Final Tally

At the end of my day,
let me not have led anyone astray.

As all truths are laid out before,
let me guide each one through the correct door.

With in deep you have journeyed to find,
that to which you have been blind.

From the beginning to the end,
there is but one truth my friend.

All, regardless of time,
was created by a Presence Divine.

When everything is said and done,
our only salvation is through the Son.

Now that you have trekked
through past memories or lives, perhaps
you’ve done your introspect,
drifting to other worlds as you napped.

Lord Father God created all,
both past and present.
Heed not the lies of the serpent,
do not loose faith and fall.

If you whisper a cry, or speak out
loudly, matter not for He will hear your call.


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