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As we approach a new era not all of what we encounter may be of the past, some experiences may take place on a different dimensional level. Often what one might see is left to individual interpetation although we frequently look for a way to validate what we have experienced. Many times there is no way to validate an experience so we must except it as we have percieved it to be not as others might, like art, or music, it all is in the eye of the beholder.


Stareing about Elliara finds herself in a place that resembles an amphitheater. Many people are milling about, some look like familiess in small groupings, others appear to be reading charts, looking at objects that resemble television monitors.

There is a person or humanoid being on a table in the center of the complex. A machine resembling that of an xray, is scanning the humanoid being.

From some unknown source comes a voice, almost as a feeling more that a spoken quantity, stating, for no one to try and dispose or destroy the entity that is being scanned. It is clear to Elliara that some of the occupants of this plac are in great fear, others seem only to function-void of emotion or any human quality.

On closer inspection,Elliara finds that the humanoid seems faceless but eminates a great sense of evil. She quickly realizes that she is the outsider, not like any of the groupings in the place.

As is driven or drawn, she approaches the scanner, a single minded purpose expressed on her face. Over hearing the technician, she becomes aware that the machine is somehow able to store living essence, putting its subject in a catatonic state. Only during this period, a period of twelve hours, is it possible to destroy this being. Without concious thought, Elliara has reached for the disc, that which has the humanoids essence stored on it, pulling it from the machine.

Others want to destroy the disc thereby disposing of the being but lack the courage to come forth. Elliara instinctively breaks the small round disc into three smaller pieces sensing that she must, that she is the only one who will.

Quickly, she makes her exit to an outer place before she can be stopped from her mission. Once outside the amphitheater she hads off two of the disc pieces to two other people instructing them to dispose of the pieces in seperate and opposite places.

The two depart in opposite directions an Elliara contemplates her own direction. With out warning there comes a brillant white blinding light and a sense of calm. Elliara throws her piece into a circle made of bricks containg a flame. She turns to walk away when she hears a whoosing sound. Turning back she to see the cause of the sound she is greeted by two spherical fluorescent pink red lights with a steak of fluorescent turquoise blue incircling and trailing the other. Of quiet resolve, Elliara turns her back on the apparition and ignores it, great peace and change overcome her being, she is no longer flesh. She moves without walking toward two great doors noticing a family nearby, their faces ashen and with a look of aprehension at the sight of her. She has become energy.

A voice come from her energy as she gazes upon the family,"do not be afraid children, I bring the glory of God, he who so ever believes and knows the son, will prevail." They become calm, she enters the door, her being begins to vibrate, she is now and again part of the universe.


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