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The Mystery of Aura's

The aura is that mysterious glow that surrounds every living and non-living object. It is the energy that emanates from everything. With a little practice you too can see the aura of all things and with the help of a simple guide, you will understand the meaning of the different colors of the aura.

You will notice, with practice that there are three layers or color variances. First there is the dark inner bond, then the mist layer and then the outer layer.

The Dark Inner Layer~shown here as blue, it really has no color but appears to be transparent and dark blue, or possibly dark gray or black in coloration. The inner aura is not easy to see and may take some time for you to discover it. The inner aura is more visible on children than adults and appears slightly wider around a child. This layer seems to be reflective of health and energy, ones vitality. Variations in size around different points of the body and its organs can be a guide to the condition of health and energy of the body and its organs.

The Mist Layer~is the first layer you learn to see. Where background objects seen through the first layer may appear sharp and clear, background objects seen through the mist layer will appear without sharp edges like being viewed through a layer of smoke. This layer relates to the emotional and mental state of the body it encloses and has a direct relationship to the spiritual condition of the personality as well. You will find that colors infiltrate this layer creating an area of contrast to the basic color. This area can range in size from four inches to as much as ten inches.

The Outer Layer~is not nearly as visible as the second and may take quite sometime before you are able to achieve seeing this. This layer is composed of twisting shapes and ribbons of color and light. It is very beautiful to see and difficult to interpret.

REMEMBER to always respect others rights to privacy, do not intrude unless while you practice and may see many different auras be careful not to blurt out that which you see and to RESPECT others privacy.


Find a volunteer if possible, place them in an area with a dark backdrop and a light just in front of them. Try to keep this light as your only means of lighting (no sunlight), then place yourself a distance away from them where you can take in their whole figure comfortably. You can begin by "tricking" the eye into seeing auras simply by relaxing the eyes as you stare letting your focus become somewhat blurry or narrowing your eyes in a way that causes your vision to relax a blur. With time and practice you will begin to see auras about everything when you want.

Your local metaphysical stores or libraries can provide you with further information should you wish to research this subject further.


Color List

BLUE-WHITE ~ This is the basic aura color. Only living things have different colors, this is the color found around inanimate objects.

ELECTRIC BLUE ~ This is the color that surrounds all plants. The larger the aura, the more discharge of energy, meaning the health conditions is not good.

PINK ~ medium in color, a true friend, denotes affection, simplicity, emotional involvement, sympathy, compassion, warmth and sociability.

LIGHT PINK ~ is a weak color, sometimes it can be an indication of a psychotic personality where as a blob in a certain area might mean a momentary weakness or some type of confusion.

ROSE ~ a giver, a soft spirituality, one who is unassuming, generosity, warmhearted with a mother instinct, often easily hurt.

RED ~ this is the mark of a leader and is seldom seen as a whole aura. It is usually found in part of the aura pattern, optimism, energetic type personality, self-motivated, outgoing and sometimes moody. Can also show anger.

DARK RED ~ is purely a color of emotion, desire, sensuality, sexual in content, found in flecks, blobs, spurts and spots.

ORANGE ~ brownish orange- sincerity, openhearted , laughs at life and self, open minded with a feeling of justice and fair play. yellow orange- here is the people lover, happy, generous, friendly, quick witted and humorous. Often the intellectual type whether educated or not,,,,a superior type of person in many ways.

YELLOW ~ a teacher, the color of intellect, thought, learning and teaching, capable of giving good advice. This is usually seen as a crown or corona effect topping another color which forms the basic aura however it is different from gold. pale yellow - is the idealist, a humanitarian type, one with high ideals. This is usually found about the head of a subject whose aura is basically another color. yellow green - the possessor, these people hold on to what they have whether verbal or otherwise. They can be jealous, tenacious and lack confidence in their own judgements,,,,,deciet and distrust.

GREEN ~ here we find the "salt of the earth", practicality, fresh and interesting. This is a cool harmonious color - that which is often found in the auras of nurses, doctors, those who are truly concerned about others, an earthy color belonging to those who have a great love of the man and nature. moss green - the lone wolf, found about those who participate in life but only on the surface, they do no commit and often are pursuing their own agendas while presenting themselves as something other than what they are, brooding, moods, often a sign of depression. olive green - a color of emotion, sympathy and compassion for others, a counterpart to pink in many ways. Very dark olive green denotes one performs jobs mechanically and keeps true self separate, moody-depressed. dark green - not at all a good color, seldom seem, denotes envy, hate and malicious feelings.

BLUE/GREEN ~ the seeker, a person who is usually very aware of self, ideals and goals. One who is always searching for the truth, a powerful intellect. Found in patches, denotes a certain level of development of the psychic and spiritual qualities,,,,,,,,,,,extra-sensory perception.

BLUE ~ medium - a peacemaker, tranquillity, peace, calm, strength of character, dependability. light blue the paler shades of blue denote spirituality, desire for spiritual growth, idealism, artistic and creative imagination, feelings of devine guidance. With the feeling of devine guidance in ones life a light seems to be added in ethereal shades of blue. dark blue - is the color of the unimaginative belief,,,blind faith, or trust. This color belongs to those who are impressionable, superstitious and fear. dull blue sometimes seen in a blob over the crown denotes the onset of illness, also can denote hopelessness, loss of faith, deep depression or emotional disturbance.

LAVENDER ~ is the conversationalist, a very sensitive person, civilized-old fashioned values. As older people the female tends to like softness, ruffles, knickknacks. It can be the color of spirituality if it is found as a crown on about the basic aura color. This color belongs to those who have no wish to fight to defend their beliefs but would rather teach through example. If there are patches of this color in aura it signifies one who is reaching a spiritual goal.

PURPLE ~ Royalty, not necessarily of royal birth however those possessing this color have an inherent majesty of nature, calm, a true concern for humanity. A single patch of this color is equal to a blessing, very rare as a complete aura. This color belongs to a leader on the path to truth, one who also helps those on their way.

Next you have colors which come and go as things change within the mind and body or spirit.

WHITE -purity, childish faith, simplicity and honesty. This color denotes and evolved mentality, a true awareness in the metaphysical sense. It can appear as silver, or a silvery mist over another color adding a higher vibration to that color.

BROWN - if this is an attractive shade it could denote industry or ambition while dull shades can denote someone who is self serving exploiting others for their own means. Several shades of red browns can mean an illness or disturbance in the condition of the body at the place they are detected (where they extrude out into the basic aura). Tanish shades of brown can mean self-pity and cowardice.

GRAY - Negativity, ill health or anxiety.

BLACK - Anger, rage, extreme illness, the more savage types of mental disease-in the process of dissolution and death.

GOLD - gold such as that seen as a halo around saints, holy family . It is the highest of spiritual colors and is seen as a crown or corona not the basic aura. Until you have become very familiar with aura colors do not expect to see this, it is easy to deceive yourself unless you are very familiar with the aura colors.

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