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Feathers Of The Bird

Often our feathered friends come to visit us, to give us messages, to inspire, to share in our happiness or sorrow. They may leave a feather as a calling card....a reminder that they have been observant and from this they may impart a message to those who wish to hear. The following is but a brief view into what may be conveyed to one who is observant.

The Crane

The crane brings the gifts of patience ,perseverance and longevity. Combined with its ability to be patient it also conveys the capacity to be focused and concentrate without distraction......thus it persevers. The crane symbolizes the arcane science (Secret Knowledge), the Druidry tree-language.

The Goose

The goose brings creative and productive power. Feathers gifted from the goose allow you to open to this power, secure in the knowledge that your relationship, family or a working partnership will provide a stable environment to act as a crucible for your creativity. A most joyful and worhtwhile activity that we undertake is that of raising children........and with the gift of the goose, its strong attachment to family and its ability to fly extremely high shows us that it is possible to be both grounded and spiritual in our lives.

The ancient Druids used the migratory flights of the goose to fortell of seasons,,,,,and weather changes.The goose represents fidelity, erotic is territorial, aggressive and defensive of home and hearth.

The Hawk

The hawk or merlin is of nobility, recollection, cleansing. The bird brings the ability to see your life in perspective, to free yourself of unnecessary “baggage”, to connect you to your ancestral roots. By knowing where you have come from and where you are headed your life then can become filled with inspiration and will have gained confidence, a sense of pride an nobility in your stature.

The Owl

The owl brings us the gift of detachment, wisdom and change. Through turning the disadvantge of lightless night into its hunting time is shows us the wisdom of working with that which we can not change. While yet part of the bird family it has detached itself by adapting to night for its way of life. The owl is the totem bird of clairvoyance and astral pierces the veils which surrounf the normal boundaries of space and time.

The Raven

The raven brings healing, initiation, protection. In initiation it is meant that the raven’s gift can mark the death of of thing and the birth of another...much like a transformation or “out with the old and in with the new”. The power of the raven can also bring you the very deepest form of healing ---giving you the possibility of resolving conflicts that have long lain buried in your unconcious or your past. The crow or raven symbolizes the forces of destruction, of katabolism, the ability to see beyond the veil of death. The crow or ravens gifted song or feather can bring about the healing of the psyche through confrontation with the unconcious, the hidden, the Shadow, the darker more potentially destructive aspects of the psyche. There is great power here and great therapeutic value if one draws on the strengths of this bird.

The Swan

The swan is soul, love and beauty. The swan gives the gift to know that depth of love and grace of beauty. It also allows to to travel into the Otherworld. The feathers that the swan may gift you are the gift to write a song or poem with the flair of the bard. The swan represents the soul itself in death and yet represents the gate way between worlds.

The Wren

The wrens gifts are those of humility, cunning and the beauty in all that has been created. The wren reminds us that there is beauty even in that which is small, that self-realization lies not in grandiosity or flaunting of power, but in humility, gentleness and subtlety. He belies the message that cunning when tempered with humor and good intent can be a way to achieve great things while using the rational and honest achievements of others.

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