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The Shaman's Vision

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Did You Hear

when He turned his hand to you
as if potter’s clay:

dipping his finger in paint, cool to touch, word fit
firing the mind, itching to scratch out marks
on paper with morning bird song
caressing heart spirit’s night long darkness:

                    a serpent spoke,
                    caressing woman’s humanity
                    with deception.

Hushed breath whispers,
petals feathered edge perfection;
frailty crumples spun webs,
littered with sparkles and trinkets,
not kissed,
brushed by traitorous lips.

Fluted notes paned to monoliths,
red gold, buff dusted with ancient footprints,
green vine cosseted
tumbling to forest’s tented rain mists.

                     a serpent wrought,
                     liquid notes dripping purity
                     with bedlam.

Ramirez never ventured this far,
no black cloaks ,no ashes to bring conquest.
Who will bow, sweep with his song,
taste his colored visions?
A heart sings through a flute:

                   touches the mist’s of clouds, inhales them
                    wearing vapors as woodland nymphs
                    and meadow sprites ordain to dream.

Whose spell is cast on moon’s shimmer under willow,
to clad.........mingling with blood fires,
slipping out under the door like a smoldered murmur,
chance to slumber safe from serpent’s breath.

Art, graphics, prose and poetry are by Snofire.

Copyright © 2008 Snofire/L.lora/Danawa Asiv

All Rights Reserved

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