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drawing by Dean Holman


Black is white and white is wrong,

which way to turn

Words frustrate and violence confuse,

which path to choose?

Passiveness seems only to draw anger,

openness of opinion only brings animated action,

what is real, what is not?

With life there is no escape, only choices,

who makes the choices,

is it you, is it me?

Age, is that the word or is it years?

A measure of time passes,

the quanity uncertain.

The charactors created, the lines written,

battlefield or festival matters not

The winners, the loosers, only mans terms.

Sleep, awake, alert, waiting,

Sanctuary will come when God wills

With each burden carried, each task taken on, one is strengthened,

To question causes conflict, to reason

only brings misunderstanding

Where then is the wisdom?

Only faith can provide comfort,

only faith can save.


Plateau's Index

Art, graphics, prose and poetry are by Snowfire unless stated otherwise.

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