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Twilight Epiphany

From my desk to yours


by Llora


Sunday        As the smell of fresh morning dew touches the senses and dawns
                first rays of light greet the song of birds, I know that I hold
                my destiny in my own hands and that it is mine to direct as I


Monday        The world around begins to wake to meet whatever great
                adventures lie ahead. I, with a cup of hot coffee cradled
                between cupped hands shall choose to endeavor to partake of
                all that is offered to its fullest.


Tuesday        As I awake to baby giggles and puppy kisses, I resolve to
                try to awake and greet each morning with the feeling of awe
                and happiness like that which greets me.


Wednesday        Rather than be like Wednesday's Child; meak and mild,
                I shall emdeavor to reflect on the wonders of the day and
                commit them to memory.


Thursday        I shall endeavor to enjoy each change of season for with
                its change I can look forward to a time that is new and


Friday        I shall endeavor to share happiness and bring a smile to
                at least one person today for in doing so I will bring a
                lightness to my own spirit.


Saturday        Upon reflection of the week past, I know that I must never
                forget to take a small portion of time out for self, thus I shall
                stay aligned, intune and centered.


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Art, graphics, prose and poetry are by Snowfire/Llora.

Copyright © 2001 Snowfire/Llora

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