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~ Vanishing Son ~

Moccasined feet now 
caged in stiff cowhide
                               Three hundred dollar monthly allotment

Turquoise ringed fingers
Fidget at silver banded wrists

                              With this he feeds his children

Leather strips tightly
catch tribal braids
                              To collect, on the reservation he stays

Eagle feather streamers
Coup’ count strung 
                              Noble portrait, standing tall 

Grandfathers old pawn 
about his neck hangs
                               His land stands sanquinated 

Today’s treasured heritage
tomorrow's family dinner
                              Salted drop rolls down his cheek


Art, graphics, prose and poetry are by Snofire unless stated otherwise.

Copyright © 2005 Snofire (L.lora)Danawa Asiv

All Rights Reserved


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