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As I look Out My back door


I see the lawn is brown now, embossed with patches
Of frozen snow like luminous crystal jewels.
Summer has succumbed to the rude growling howl of winter.

Gone are warm zephyrs and sun bathed days and I
See a willful leaf stuck on a lifeless tree.
Cumulus clouds slide down the sky and collide with the

Pampero, determined to unfasten all clinging fronds.
My tulip bulbs lie beneath like cadavers within their
Graves blanketed from the cruel catarrh.

I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead and
Flickering stars to light my way.  How sweet the sleeping
Moonlight will shine when spring begins to stir.  Haze on

Far horizons will lift in the tender sky, and sun will
Ripen cornfields.  Beguiling birds will adorn seraphic
Flowers, larks will fly on high.

It is then my grass shall return to emerald green
And warmth will sooth my unfounded fears that
Spring will grace my backdoor nevermore.


Copyright © 2006 Marilyn Terwilleger

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