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Living Desert

A Living Desert


Desert Birds

Prairie Falcon

The Prairie Falcon~The prairie falcon is found throughout Nevada. This powerful bird can be seen flying close to the ground searching for prey such as rabbits and kangaroo rats. Prairie falcons are light brown with black markings under their wings. Their call is a series of short, high squeals.


The Roadrunner~Roadrunners are very common to the southwest. Greater roadrunners are fast runners and seldom fly. They are ground dwellers that hunt lizards, snakes, birds and invertebrates. A roadrunner is often seen running with its neck outstretched and its tail held out flat. The roadrunner is a big bird with a long tail and bill. It also has a bush crest on its head.

Gambel's Quail

The Gambel's Quail~This is one of four types of quail found in the Southwest. The others are the California quail, mountain quail and scaled quail. Gambel's quail are easily identified by tufts of feathers called top-knots that are on top of their heads. This bird is found in many parts of the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Their food consists mostly of seeds and fruit.

Other Creatures of the Desert


The Tortoise~Desert tortoises are easily recognized by their thick, elephant like legs. Their front legs are larger than their rear legs in order to dig burrows. This is an important activity in the life of a tortoise because burrows protect them on hot summer days. They also hibernate in these burrows during the winter. The desert tortoise is a herbivore, meaning it eats only plants, such as grasses, blossoms and cactus. It can be found grazing in the mornings and late afternoons to avoid the heat of the summer sun. Desert tortoises can live to be 100 years old. Female tortoises normally lay four to six eggs during the month of June. The eggs are deposited in a shallow hole and covered with dirt. The eggs take several months to hatch.

Horned Lizard

The Horned Toad~Some people call this desert dweller a horned toad. It is actually named a horned lizard. There are two types of horned lizards that are found in the Southwest. The most common is the desert horned lizard. The other is the short horned lizard. Horned lizards are black and tan. They can be easily identified by the horns on the back or their heads. their bodies are covered with small spines. If you see and ant hill, chances are that a horned lizard is in the area. Ants are the horned lizard's favorite food. These reptiles have an unusual way of defending themselves against predators. Horned lizards squirt blood from their eyes when they are scared or feel threatened. This can distract a predator long enough to allow the horned lizard to escape.

Gila Monster

The Gila Monster~This reptile is about a foot long and has a heavy tail. The head is somewhat rounded and rather large. The skin is distinctive, being bead-like in texture. It is black, mottled with shades of orange or pink. Usually this lizard appears to be sluggish as it walks slowly along, occasionally sticking out its black, forked tongue. If picked up or disturbed, it can react quickly and can easily grab a wrist or a hand. It is not aggressive by nautre and will leave you alone if it isn't molested. Venom is not injected into a would but rather flows around the teeth and into it. The grip of its jaws is very tenacious. DO NOT TOUCH!

The Black Widow Spider

Black Widow Spider~Black Widows spin webs that have no pattern to them. They catch insects, such as flies, for food in these webs. Widows often build their webs under objects, in trash, and indumps. They like hot dry places to live. The black widow has long thin legs. It is shiny black when seen from the top. The female also has a bright red X shape on her stomach. The female has a poisonous bite. DO NOT TOUCH!

The Recluse Spider

Recluse Spider~Brown recluses get their name because they like to hide. They ususally live in houses on the floor or behind furniture. Recluses are light to dark brown with long, thin, hairy legs. They have six eyes. The brown recluse is also called the violin spider because it has a violin-shaped mark on its back near its head. The recluse eats only other insects for food but it is also dangerous. Its bite may create a large sore that takes a long time to heal. DO NOT TOUCH!


The Scorpion~Scorpions have pincers and a long tail with a stinger at its tip. Though they have many eyes, they do not see well. When running, they hold their pincers out. Males have broader pincers and longer tails than females. Scorpions feed at night on insects. The mother also carries her babies on her back until they shed their first skins. Scorpions are found all over the world, but most like to live in warm, dry climates such as the desert. Scorpions sting to defend themselves. NEVER touch or play with a scorpion.

There are many more creatures in the desert and many more types of plant life. Given here is but a small sampling of some of the deserts life. While the desert may appear lifeless and deserted it is anything but.


Living Desert (prt. 1)

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