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Refrigerator Canyon still life

Refrigerator Canyon Still Life  On Monday November 1, 1999 I drove to Zion National Park for the day and did the usual lazy shutterbug thing of driving up and down the main canyon road looking for something to shoot.  The colors had not materialized as in years past and only one scene at road level induced me to shoot a sheet of film.  At 3 p.m. I parked at the West Rim Trailhead and began hiking to Angels Landing.  In 40 minutes, I reached the trees above and noted the spectacular transition to its fall wardrobe.  The air felt very still and right for a quiet photo session.
4x5 camera, 210mm lens, Fuji Velvia, 85C filter, F/22.6, 28 seconds

At 4:30 p.m. I got to the point on the trail where I would have had to hold, white knuckled, chains staked to the rock, while negotiating a knife edge to climb the final 400 feet to Angels Landing.  Sheer drops of 800-1000 feet flank the trail en route.  I have heard that people have fallen off this trail.  Lacking either courage or stupidity at such a late hour, I returned to the trailhead, enjoying very much the color and quiet while walking back down Refrigerator Canyon before darkness.

©1998 Jeffrey Wong