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Movie Talk

I don't think that the movie, Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael got the credit that it deserved when it was released in 1990. This movie is one of my all-time favorites and after I saw it, it stayed in my head for several days afterwards. I don't know why and I can't really explain it, it just really touched me. If you haven't seen it yet, go out and rent it or buy it!

Another one of Winona's movies that basically has a cult following is Heathers. Her agent warned her against making this movie, telling her that it would ruin her career. It did the opposite! Heathers is a great movie with a dark side to it.

I think just about everyone on the planet has seen Beetlejuice at least once! It's another comedy that has a dark side to it like Heathers. Michael Keaton plays the infamous character, Beetlejuice, in this movie and he does a great job at being repulsive!

In my opinion, Bram Stoker's Dracula is the best vampire movie that has been made up to this date. It really portrays that the story of Dracula is, in fact, a great love story. Perhaps even one of the greatest love stories of all time. My favorite line from the movie is when Winona says, "Take me away from all this,,, death." By the way, she did an excellent job acting in this film. Her acting skills really shine in period pieces.

Reality Bites is a good movie for all of us Gen-Xers. Although I don't go for the whole thing that Gen-Xers are just a bunch of slackers or anything, but while I was watching this movie, I could really relate to the characters and what they were going through because most of it is things that we all go through at some point in our twenties. I loved Ethan Hawke's dry humour in this film and I thought the chemistry between him and Winona really worked.

Well, I could go on and on about Winona's movies! Like I said, I love all of them, some more than others. She is a wonderful actress and I feel that she will only get better as she gets older. She could give any actress in Hollywood today a run for their money!