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Dingir's prized "toy", as he likes to call it. He had taken much time creating this master piece, for it's fine craft and wonderous abilities. As by what could be seen, this sword is unlike any other. It holds deep secrets within it's odd structure, glowing dimly with a misty visage to raise question. What exactly the sword was made from, is a mystery. The alloy itself, rang too chimeful in the means of melodies to be of any ordinary substance. Further more, the sword has no weight to it at all. A bird could hold it by the tip of the blade, if it had the chance. However it's weight, tests have proven that it's quite powerful. Unbreakable, as it's been told. The metals like titainium, or even gems like diamond, laid waste by even the touch of Dingir's sword. On a further note about this sword, it seems to have an contained force unlike the other essences it may have. The force contained that cannot be senced rests in a dormant state, until he awakes it's power. Having not done so yet, leaves no information to describe what exactly it will do and what it is.

Knowing that others would come to take this fine weapon from him, Dingir placed a very special enchantment upon it. None shall be able to touch this weapon, unless it be by Dingir's wishes to pass the sword on. If one would attempt to steal this weapon from him, as it has been said by witnesses who seen the outcome of the attempt... "He who touches this sword, without the permission of it's owner.. Will fall dead to the masses..."

Another of Dingir's horrid creations, but truly another in it's own way. Due to not being able to sence the powers contained within the fabrics of this weapon's matter, it would appear to be nothing more than a decorated scythe. However, tests have provided some info upon this item. Powerful blows did not even scratch this scythe, heat did not scortch it. It would appear to be unbreakable, but no reason as to why. Regardless of it's length, it remains unseen upon Dingir until he summons it's might. And like all his creations, it cannot be touched by another without his permission. Nothing more can be said, as no more information is available at this time.

This very staff is obviously more than just an item of basic structure, as it gives off an erie mist from it's tip as if a force is dying to be released. Also created by Dingir, he specificly had designed this staff for personal usage. Considering this is a new addition to his vast collection, no real information could be said. However, it oddly seems to be like the scythe.. Cannot be seen, until he summons it... Also, not breakable... And as you could have expected.. None other than himself, can grip this weapon.

Obviously another one of Dingir's twisted creations, but this one can be seen resting in a casing upon his waist. When drawn, an odd aura surrounds the blade with an incantation yet to be known. This dagger is another new addition, but it's highly upgraded from his usual work. Being exactly like his sword, but smaller and less weight. Different radiances, and so forth. However, the power and essences are quite the same. What more could be said? Reference to the sword, is enough to understand that one best stay clear of this item.

Another obviously creation of Dingir, however this one is more simple. Other than basic empowerment, to aid againts powerful blows or mystical contacts.. This weapon isn't anything special. It's light weight makes it more manuverable, and easy to use. The dual blade trait gives it an extra edge, providing more defensive action against two or more people that may be attacking. The blades are forged with unknown alloys, along with the main staff which is designed to absorb impacts as well. When this weapon isn't in use, the two blades can sink into the staff, hiding until they are needed again or desired to be used. That info is pretty much obvious, but further more on the empowerment.. Of course, like all of Dingir's creations.. This weapon cannot be touched by another, unless it be by Dingir's permission..

A frightfully powerful axe, with no weight to it. The alloy it's made from, gives next to no weight on this item but makes it stronger than known alloys. The engravements and symbols show enchantment upon this weapon, to provide protection from mytical and physical matter, while the gripping protects Dingir from electrical current. Further more, like you may have guessed.. This weapon, too cannot be touched by another. Within the confinements of the fabrics of this axe, upon insertion of the blades into a opponent's body, a leathal toxin is released. The toxin does not really cause any harm right away, but causes a bring to decay in a time period of Dingir's choosing. Weither it be instant, or days later. Any attempts to remove this toxin, is punished by instant decaying of the victim. There is but one way to release someone from this horrid curse, and only Dingir knows the way.

"L'killian h'sievssrig", as Dingir calls it.. After years of adaptions and learning, Dingir modified this sword to preform certain deeds for him with the aid of a trusted friend. It holds toll not only in the physical world, but also the spectral. As it buries itself deep within a person's figure, it does the same to the very soul. Draining a person's life essence, growing vastly more powerful like a parasite that feeds off the souls of it's victims. Mystical forces, as of what has been told, are reflected by the very fabrics of this weapon. Or, Dingir could slice through magic. Energies are consumed, as spectral forces are repelled. Like a runic blade, this weapon can stand up against all matter, including anti-matter. Shielding it from being consumed itself, is a barrier of enchantment that prevents someone from using it against him in any shape or form. Also prevents someone from turning it's forces against him, in the same manner. Further more, the enchantment keeps people from taking this weapon from Dingir.. More facts are to be found out about this sword, however none can be determined at this time.