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żY qué pasa aquí? is, I think, the perfect title for this page, as not even I have any idea what's going on.

First off, this website is an exercise in narcissism. There is nothing of redeeming value, and what value this site does have is solely brought in by you, the visitor. If you're out there, and enjoying this, let me know! Even if you're not, I'd like to know you're out there!

Secondly, you'll have to forgive me, as I'm coding this on a very basic HTML editor. Hence, there are numerous errors and discontinuities. I'm constantly weeding them out, but there are many pages and this very basic HTML editor doesn't really help out. I could upgrade, but then I'd have to pay, and that would destroy all the Internet stands for (yeah right).

Thirdly, an introduction. As I said, this is a site devoted to me. I keep a journal, which you'll find on the main page, or in the archives. I have replaced the ailing lyrics section with my travels, which are forthcoming. Finally, I'm writing essays as I get riled up; thus far there're only four. I'm still reworking them, so don't take them too seriously.

Fourthly, who am I? Well, my name's John and I'm a student at the University of Nevada, Reno, where I'm a sophomore majoring in International Business. I'm also a student of languages, specifically Spanish, French, and Italian. I hope to be fluent after my semester in Spain so that I can be a translator/interpreter.

Finally, the last monument to ME is the page devoted to the Camry, my beautiful Alex.

Muchas gracias para visitar mi sitio. Espero que tu experiencia fuera agradable. Regrese pronto!

Updated: June 5, 2003
