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Akaria epht Uinthinai ~ Acaria on the Net!

This is my attempt to describe the world that inhabits my head. It’s a glorious world, with a vibrant history and people, that I hope to flesh out in the future. Already thousands of ideas about Dharea fill my head, from the look of Acaria City (think Monaco with Seattle’s winters and San Francisco’s summers and a bunch of cool barrier islands) to government, language, and societies inhabiting the nation and continent, if not world.

It’s an extremely (if not boringly) close rendition of Earth, with oceans, continents, and relatively similar flora and fauna. I’m not imaginative enough to try new races yet. But thanks to my Environmental Geography 103 class I took in the fall of 2002, I learned quite a bit about how to form the climate I wanted. The final product is good, but parts may be a bit unexpected, but science can’t answer everything and that’s what keeps it interesting ;-) .

Every section below will be expanded upon as I come up with ideas, and try to integrate everything. This is the first time I’ve done this, so there are bound to be some major mess-ups, but I hope to avoid those. I already know continuity will be a problem, but I’ll work on it as best I can.

Please notify me if any major errors rear their ugly heads to you, and please enjoy!

The PeopleThe Nation
Religions Language Something else Government History