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Real Memories

What are photos really for, anyway?

Being Historian for my fraternity has made everyone in my family think I really enjoy taking pictures. Truth be told, it is mainly so that I can participate in the running of the chapter without having inordinate amounts of responsibility. But up at Grandpa's Eightieth this weekend, my Dad decided he wanted me to take pictures of the event, so that we could have a slide show at the end. I told him no, and managed to royally piss him off. He's since recovered nicely (thank god) but the event made me think.

You know that person who always has to take out the camera at every social function, and keeps taking pictures, such that they can't even enjoy the event? That's what I felt Dad wanted me to be. They're constantly snapping photos to immortalize everything, yet they never sit down and become a part of the action, or for that matter get in the photos themselves. They're just the roving non-partygoers with a camera attached to their eye.

An episode of "Ground Force" really drilled this home. The husband gets the GF team in to redo his backyard overlooking the ocean, and due to a broken arm, is of no help the entire time. Then his wife comes home, and is stunned. BBC cameras are everywhere taping her reaction to the garden, (she was thrilled) while he's got a camcorder glued to his head. All I could think was, Jesus, man, what do you think the camera crew is there for? Ditch the camcorder and enjoy this moment with your wife! That's what I wanted to do at the party.

Now I know that it's a good thing to get some pics of an event for posterity's sake, or to put in an album to remember the good times. But then again, what good does the photo album do unless you get a bunch of people together to remember the stories? It's all about the people. So instead of immortalizing every second on film, get a few snapshots, and call it good. The pictures are meaningless without the memories to back them up.