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Response to The Point of Life (5/17/03)
December 17, 2003

For history, see Fiona's site and The Point of Life essay.

I was just reading my essay, about how I'd never found a true confidant, how I'd never gotten close to anyone. Now, after Spain, I think I may have achieved at least the start of that, and there is so much more hope now for the future.

That someone, in case you've been under a rock since I got back, is Iñaki in Bilbao. Reasons that I wanted to stay with him, and wish I hadn't left, include: he respected me. We talked about everything, Basque, coming out, the joys of gay sex. And he respected me as much as I him. That's something I've learnt: I had fun with José, but I didn't respect him. And that's why I felt no love for him. But I had a lot of respect for Iñaki, and he for me, so it was more than just sex. And that's what I think I fell in love with. He was a great person, very interesting, loved to dance, smoke, and experiment, you know, just about everything about him attracted me. If I'd've had more time, I'd've hired him to teach me Basque as well.

So, I can finally say I've found a confidant. And I can also say that when I look back, I'm going to have a few stories to tell. My kids are going to hear, when they're in their 20s, about the crazy shit I did in Spain. And there's enough to go on for quite a while. And I still got two years of college left!!!

So, I know it can happen. My fear now is, was this a once-in-a-lifetime deal or am I going to have this again soon? Because Mom doesn't want to hear it, and niether does Dad. Katie might, but I never see her. I don't know. Ryan was good, but is in Spain or San Francisco. So, I need either Iñaki or his clone in Reno.

But love can happen. Fiona's found it, I've found it, we can do it.

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This is just my putting my thoughts down on paper so that they'd be coherent for me. Pardon if they're not cogent or well-written, but now I know how I feel and why I feel that way. If you disagree, email me at and let me know why.