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Para el resto del diario de España, visite: esta página web

Monday, December 15, 2003: Fin

Heh. So that's that. The luggage is still in New York, but I'm in Carson. Got into Reno today around 11:00, saw the new apartment, then came home to Carson. Chatted, and now up to see Dad and go back up to Reno. What a let down. And I'll be damned if the keyboards didn't change again!!! 2:43pm

Monday, August 25, 2003: Día de victorias/Úlitma día en los EEUU

It's been a great day today. The biggest news is that Roy/California is essentially over his cancer! He emailed me today to say that his doctor informed him that there is no trace whatsoever of his limphoma (sp), so the eight cycles originally prescribed are down to four! Meaning, he'll be done in a few weeks, and be completely recovered by the time I see him in December. It's fucking awesome!

My news is somewhat less dramatic but still amazing. Apparently Mom wasn't in as much denial as I thought she was. We're sitting on the front porch smoking, and she just comes out and asks, "John, do you think you're gay?" And I said, simply, "Yes." And that was that. No crying, no fuss, no drama. TNT would be pissed, you know? I was essentially dumbfounded, since I expected more of a response from her. I knew deep down that she knew, but I figured it was a big thing for her and that she wasn't going to face it until I made her. But there was no need. Hmm. So, I'm out to her now, and I honestly believe she doesn't have a problem with it. She just doesn't want me to give up on girls; she suspects that I'm not good enough at getting girls and therefore abandoned it. This is a suspicion of mine too, but even if it is true, it just means I'm bi. Which for some reason seems really weak and I'm not sure I want to go there. Anyway, so now she knows and all is well. She really does love me.

I still can't believe Roy's over it so quickly! Way to go man! 10:06pm

This just in! I uploaded my journal to the website; you can visit it here!

Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Oh my god, was last night fun. We four went over to Julie's family's house, and sat and talked and drank 60-year-old cognac all evening! Holy , 60-year-old cognac. It was a bottle the grandmother had saved during the war, and they just served it to us! C'est incroyable! But the conversation was lively and entertaining, from politics to the franc/euro conversion. I even gave my US$10 to the grandma, who paid me back for the bill. That was a nice exchange, in my opinion--got usable money now. Cannot express how much fun I had.

Now I'm back in the computer lab. The other three are at the gym, and I'm thinking I should join them, but I also need to go see my host mom and let her know everything's going great. Also need a shower, since I woke up 20 minutes before class starts, and it takes 15 to walk there. That was entertaining; I probably stink to high heaven. So, it's off the computer and off to the house for some refreshing before we all go back to Julie's house tonight to buy train tickets for the end of July and more hanging out with the family. Yippee! That's sorta what I wish I'd asked for/gotten. C'est la vie. I should go see how fun M.Mme Boix can be. 4:41pm

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

I'm sitting here in the University's computer lab, next to Rob who's checking out the Running of the Bulls information. Getting settled in, but the journal I'm keeping at home just ain't gonna get on the internet until I get home. I'm planning on adding pictures as well, so it oughta be très interesante. Fiona, I hope all's well. Please get happy now! Well, dinner is just me and Rob tonight, as Julie's hostmom invited Amanda to dinner, so we're going to go to a café in town, as opposed to getting drunk in his room like last night (the four of us drank 5.5 bottles of wine--boy did we have fun!) That's all I got for now. 4:17pm

6/24. Day 2 in Paris and having a blast. Only have 2 min left, but YAY I'm here!!

My Studies in France and Spain

I'm going to France on June 21, and Spain in the end of August. When I get over there, I will be taking lots of pictures and keeping a journal in here.

Mes Voyages à France et Espagne

Je vais aller à France le 21 Juin, et à Espagne a fin d'Août. Quand j'arrive là, je vais prendre beaucoup des photos et va être un journal ici.

Mis Viajes a Fracia y España

Iré a Francia el 21 junio, y a España al fin de agosto. Cuando llego, sacaré muchas fotos y tendré aquí un diario.