The writing of the Icon of the Theotokos of Canada was personally commissioned by Most Rev. Joseph Royer in 1995 while serving Parishes & Missions in north-eastern Alberta. Most Rev. Joseph was greatly moved by the Icon of Our Lady of America, a copy of which he obtained and donated to St. Jerome's Catholic School in Vermilion, Alberta. His enthusiasm in having an Icon which followed traditional guidelines yet reflected our uniquely Canadian multi-cultural mosaic was embraced by Iconographer, Andre J. Prevost. At the Service of Blessing and Dedication of the Icon, the words of the Theotokian were first chanted as our nation Canada, one people under Christ, were placed under the protective mantel of the Most Holy Theotokos: "Come all ye peoples, let us praise her who is alone Undefiled; She who was foretold by the Prophets, preordianed as God-bearer before all ages. O Lord, save us and through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos of Canada, grant victory to our nation Canada over it's enemies. Giving unto us, Thy unworthy servants, Thy peace and great mercy." The Icon of the Theotokos of Canada now is enshrined All Saints Orthodox Cathedral, where many visitors both Orthodox and non-Orthodox come to ask Christ for special blessings and healing as they venerate the Icon of the one who bore Christ, the Word Incarnate. On July 1st of every year - the birthdate of our nation Canada - the beautiful Akathist Service to The Theotokos of Canada is sung and our Cathedral Church is opened to those who wish to come and pray before the Holy Icon! We are most privileged to have the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos/Our Lady of Canada enthroned at our Cathedral and to open our doors and hearts to those who wish to pray to Christ before the Icon. The physical beauty of the Icon is surpassed by the spiritual reality that through the intercession of the Theotokos several of God's faithful have recently received answers to their prayers for physical healing. All glory, honor and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for granting these healings of bladder cancer and a heart condition through the prayers of God's faithful people and the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos/Our Lady of Canada! We pray fervently that many more healings, miracles and favors be granted unto the servants of God through the intercession of the Theotokos of Canada for the glory of His name, unto the salvation of souls!
His Beatitude Metropolitan Archbishop +Joseph (Royer) Source : History of the Icon of the Theotokos of Canada : All Saints Orthodox Cathedral |