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 C R A F T Y   C R E A T I O N S 

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crochet patterns novelties soaps ALL HAND MADE stuff

Crafty Creations is a Nevada corporation which began business in 1997. It is a small company which I began for the purpose of selling my hand made items and designs. Below you will find a description of each of the products I sell, with a link to the page with those products. You can easily visit the other pages from the one you are on, without having to return to the home page. Unless otherwise stated, all products were made by me personally. Product codes are given on each page, so have a pen and paper handy to make notes on products you wish to order. The order page also links to an inventory of all the products on this website. I hope you enjoy my website and bookmark it for regular visits to see what's new.

Creatively Yours CJ Slayton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Crochet Patterns Single Patterns $3.00 each (no additional cost for postage)

I have created a number of patterns to decorate items found around the house, such as the Boutique Tissue Cozy which also makes a great gift. This is a great pattern for the beginner. Other "cozy" patterns include: Toilet Tissue Cozy; Beverage Cozy; and Candle Cozy. New patterns will be added as the instruction booklets are completed.

FOR A COMPLETE SELECTION OF PATTERNS CLICK HERE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

BRA & BRITCHES Prices range from $7.95 to $9.95 (additional cost for postage) (each one fits into a priority envelope)

The Bra & Britches are made from dish clothes or from a combination of pot holders and dish cloth for the kitchen. There is also a Bra & Britches made from wash cloths for the bath room. Each comes with its own small hanger and clever little verse making it a unique gift and decoration.

FOR A COMPLETE SELECTION OF BRA & BRITCHES CLICK HERE 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o

Hand Made Soaps Each bar is 3 - 4 ounces Prices range from $2.50 to $4.00 (additional cost for postage) (up to 5 bars will fit into a priority envelope)

Although crochet and sewing are my first loves, over the years I have explored many other crafts and hobbies. I have created a number of novelty soap items made of unscented glycerin. These include colorful shapes: hands, teddy bears, dinosaurs, cats, dogs, butterflies and train engines. There is also a line of glycerin "Soap Inspirations" which contain words such as BELIEVE, IMAGINE, and DREAM. In addition to the above unscented soaps, there are some scented glycerin soaps, which I made, and aloe based scented soaps made by a friend of mine. I got them from her when her husband was transfered to Japan. These soaps are in limited supply.

FOR A COMPLETE SELECTION OF SOAPS CLICK HERE # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Sudz Mugz Prices range from $7.95 to $12.95 (additional cost for postage)

"Sudz Mugz" make great gifts for any occasion. Each mug contains a wash cloth, nylon ball and a bar of soap designed to go with the design on the mug. One example is the Tea Drinkers mug. There is a tea pot ON the mug with a tea pot shaped soap IN the mug. Then there is the mug with the Presidential Seal on the outside and an eagle shaped soap on the inside. Each mug is a "one of a kind" so the designs available change regularly.


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Crochet Patterns
Bra & Britches
Hand Made Soap
Sudz Mugz
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