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Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you create this website?

I live in Henderson, Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas. After moving here in 1993, I discovered that there had been serious attempts of bring pro, or at least, semi-pro team sports here. I couldn't find any websites devoted to this neglected part of sports history, so I created a page on my personal website for it. Interest was so strong, that I eventuially created this whole site for it.

Are you a sports fan?

Oddly enough, no. I do like to watch an arena football game when it's on, but I'm not what you would consider a "sports nut".

Was there really a volleyball TEAM in Las Vegas?

Yes, but please stress the word "was".

Why do you list teams that never materialized?

I want to keep a record of the teams that never made it past the planning stages, or just fell apart before they ever saw action; like the Professional Spring Football League (PSFL). I feel these play an important part in Las Vegas sports history.

Can I send you some information/logos/updates?

Certainly! Send them here!

I want to play for or watch one of the teams listed on this website. Can you help?

Sadly, no. I have no connection with any of these teams. You'll have to contact them directly. Their e-mail addresses should be listed on their websites. If not, ask some of the other vteams. They might have some information on where you can contact the team you seek.

Who is Ed Rosenthal, and why do have a banner for him on the bottom of all these pages?

Ed Rosenthal was appointed as a deputized officer by the city of Oakland, California to grow medical marijuana for the ill. He was arrested by the Drug Enforcement Administration for marijuana cultivation, and faces 40 years imprisonment and millions of dollars in fines, despite the fact that what he was doing was legal according to California law. The fact that he was growing the marijuana for the City of Oakland was withheld from the jury. Some in the jury, after being told this after the trial, called for the charges and conviction to be dropped. He was finally sentenced to one day in jail with time served, but there are those who are appealing this light sentence. Click the banner and read the whole story for yourself.

Since you live in Las Vegas Valley, what tips can you give me on gambling?

The machine with the best returns in the casino is the change machine, and the best way to double your money is to fold it in half. Remember that casinos don't make their money by giving it away. Also, remember that the pickpockets here are very good at what they do, and the food at the buffet is for you to take, but not to take away!


Frequently Asked Questions

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