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Please enjoy the pictures from the MMM. If you would like to use them
in any way, other than to add to your own personal collection, please
ask the photographer for permission before publishing.

The 3 next pictures were sent in by HappyMez,
no wonder she is so happy !! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures.

HappyMez and John.........finally !!

HappyMez, NotForMeToSay, TCS1981 and Mathis Passion having fun in Las Vegas.

The following 21 pictures were sent by Woo2, thanks so much for sharing them.

What a wonderful poster !!

What beautiful ladies, MEZ, JonMar, and My Foolish Heart.

Holding the prized bottle of Perrier, John's Perrier, is Mathis Passion and TCS1981.

Under the marqee are Stranger In Paradise, MEZ, TCS1981 and Mathis Passion.






John and Gary Muledeer.


Let the Good Times Roll !!!

Goodbye, John, see you next time.

The following 18 pictures were sent by Stranger In Paradise,
thanks so much Stranger.

The inside Marquee at the theatre.

And the outside marquee.


TCS1981 and Stranger had some fun visiting the Wax Museum at the Venetian Hotel.

Where there's Mathis fans, there food and fun. Here's, from the left, 12th Of Never,
Mathis Passion, MEZ, Stranger In Paradise, TCS1981, and NotForMeToSay.

Beautiful flowers for Johnny.

Are there any more questions about THE TIE?

Enjoying the Saturday afterglow are MEZ, NotForMeToSay, 12th of Never,
Stranger in Paradise, TCS1981, Mathis Passion and Woo2.

Stranger and NotForMeToSay at the Mathis Souvenir stand at the concert.

Stranger In Paradise at the Hilton Entertainment Lineup , now who shall we see?

Please, please, I'll do just one more song for you.

"Hey Everybody, Mr. Johnny's in Town"....

....And he's rarin' to clown !

The following 34 pictures were sent in by TCS1981,
thanks so very much for these fun pictures.

Posing after a concert are from the left, MEZ, NotForMeToSay,
Stranger In Paradise, TCS1981, Mathis Passion and Woo2









This is John in the Wax Museum at the Venetian Hotel, remember that hot, lime green jacket?

MEZ holding hands with John, awesome palm prints.

"Touch By Touch" with Stranger In Paradise.

Stranger and Seacrest agree that Johnny Mathis is the ALL AMERICAN IDOL.

Simon gets a little bit of "Paradise".

Aw, come on, Johnny just one more photo with TCS.

You touch me one more time, lady, and.....



Now smile for the Security Camera.

These pictures from Las Vegas were sent in by My Foolish Heart, thanks so much !!

Left, from front to back is "Fran", friend of MMM, TCS1981, Stranger In Paradise, JonMar
and My Foolish Heart. Then on the right side from front to back are MathisMusicLover,
Twelfth Of Never, NotForMeToSay, Woo2, Mathis Passion and Happy MEZ.

From Sunday night performance.

The Twelfth of Never

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