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............$$$ mOnEy $$$...........

aBoUt Me
MoNey Vue
tO TrAvEl AnD sEe ThE WoRld(although i cant do it right now cuz skool is holding me back!)
cHiLlIn Wit FrIeNds MuSiC *sMiLes* RaNdOm HeArTs KoOl IdEaS *HUGS* HiPcLoThEs CuTe GuYz
FaKeNeSs LyErs AnD oTheR hAtERz...etc..
FrIeNdZ i ChIlL Wit:
cArY eRiC hEnRy LyNn DaNnY dAlLaS aNd AlL mY PhI sIg SiStAhZ
fRiEnDz I mIsS:
bAo MoLlY lEiLaNi TiArE gRaCe KiM cRiStY CaRlOs ChEe DaVe TrAcY Liz
dReAm CaR:
Rx7 (wHiCh SoMeOnE wOn`T lEt Me DrIvE!!!)
i WaNt HaPpInEsS *bLiNkS eYeS* aNd To bE a RoLlErCoAsTer EnGiNeEr!
OtHeR sTuFf:
YoU rEaLlY wAnNa KnOw... JuSt AsK mE...

see the car!!! that someone won`t let me drive!!!

ThIs Is Me LoSt In VeNiCe...OnE oF My FaVoRiTe PlAcEs eHeHe CaN u TeLl WhO lOoKs LoSt HeRe?

Most Recent Pix (taken with new picture phone 10-5-03)

*****RaNdOm ThOuGhTs******

sOmE DrEaMs ArE mEaNt To Be DrEaMeD
SoMe dReAmS aRe MeAnT tO bE rEaLiZeD
***wHiCh OnE Is YoUrS***

you know what i really hate...
falling outta love...
it just makes me realize that i must choose
my own path in without you!

i'm my defense i'd like to say that im letting go...
i'm letting go of the past that will never be my present again
i don't want to but i had no say in this...
i had no choice in it and that's why i'm mad!
but it's okay.... i'm letting go...

i think i`m happy with my life today
i think that i like this guy
i think that makes all the differece
and i think of him all the time
so i guess happiness does come when you least expect it
does anyone ever read this?
tell me if you do.
elaborate on life and love and happiness.
eheh or if u like tell me about work.
but that`s just the means that gets you through life so its not impt.
go to the beach more often...

it was the hardest thing for me to do
it took me a year to finally say it
all that time i kept hoping
that i would never have to say what did
i was waiting for things to change
i was praying for you to come back
we had become so distant
every now and then you would make me smile
it was just another excuse to spark my hopes
i`d wait again for a few more months
looking for the one i`d knew
but all i saw was a stranger beside me
i couldn`t tell him how i felt
his strange ways always kept me guessing
there was not closeness there
oh how i miss you
how i kept waiting for you
i waited for a year
until i had no hope left
i said my good-bye to the stranger
for he was the only one watching
he did ask me where i was going though
i told him i was going to look for YOU

*missing you*

i know we`ve gone our seperate ways
parting was such sorrow
but today i missed you
wishing my yesterdays would come back tomorrow

i hear the whispers when you`re not around
is it that apparent that i still miss you
but then how could i easily forget
i can`t move on as quickly as you

and yes there are so many that try
and i think one has almost captured my heart
time has slowly made me forget
i think it`s time for a brand new start

but when i'm all alone
deep in the recesses of my mind
i find the that there is something i miss
i am missing you today.

fRoM a DiStAnCe YoU aRe My GuIdInG lIgHt
ShInInG tHrOuGh ThE nIgHt
WhEn AlL tHaT sUrRoUnDeD mE wAs DaRkNeSs
I fElT iN yOu A cLoSeNeSs
FuNnY hOw We ShOuLd NeVeR mEeT tHoUgH
iN yOuR aRmS i WoUlD nEvEr KnOw
BeCaUsE tHe MiLeS bEtWeEn ArE FaR
sO hErE wE aRe
We MeEt AgAiN
yOu AnD mE....My CyBeR fRiEnD

LoVe担 fOoL

WhY wAsN稚 It YoU tHaT wAs FaLlInG fOr Me
ThAt WoUlD hAvE BeEn EaSiEr To HaNdLe
At LeAsT i CoUlD hAvE wAlKeD aWaY
WiTh mY pRiDe StIlL sHoWiNg In mY fAcE

wHy WaS iT yOu ThAt I fElL fOr
AnD nOt SoMeOnE eLsE
wHo hAd LoVe To GiVe BaCk
AlL i EvEr WaNtEd WaS tO bE yOuRs

i FeEl LiKe I`vE bEeN pLaYeD
LiKe I aM sUcH a FoOl
To HaVe LeT mY fEeLiNgS sHoW tHiS fAr
tO hAvE gIvEn My LoVe aWaY sO fReElY

I kNoW hOw It Is
tO bE oN tHe ReCeIvInG eNd
Of A cRuSh
I jUsT tHoUgHt iT wOuLd NeVeR bE mE
wHo WoUlD fAlL hEaD oVeR hEeLs FoR a GuY

i CaN稚 ReMeMbEr ThE lAsT tImE
I hAd FeElInGs So StRoNg
Or ThE lAsT tImE
i歎e BeEn So HuRt

AnD aLl bEcAuSe I wAs AdDiCtEd To LoVe
BeCaUsE i BeLiEvEd ThAt YoU
hAd LoVe In YoU tO gIvE tO mE
As I hAd In Me To GiVe To yOu

i WrOtE bEcAuSe YoU lOvEd PoEtRy
I sMiLeD tO sEe YoU sMiLe
i CaMe BeCaUsE yOu AsKeD
I dId It AlL jUsT tO bE cLoSe To yOu
AnD yEt YoU wErE sTiLl So FaR aWaY
nEvEr OnCe wAs I iN yOuR tHoUgHtS
fOr As I wRoTe FoR yOu
YoU wRoTe FoR aNoThEr
AnD sO aS i WaS cHaSiNg AfTeR yOuR lOvE
yOu WeRe ChAsInG aFtEr AnOtHeR
aNd I nEvEr KnEw
FoR lOvE iS sO bLiNd
UnTiL oNe DaY i MeT tHe ObJeCt Of YoUr DeSiRe
AnD i sAw HoW yOuR eYeS gLeAmEd WiTh LoVe FoR hEr
As MiNe GlEaMeD fOr YoU
i StOpPeD
I sToPpEd WrItInG fOr YoU
fOr YoU wRoTe FoR aNoThEr
i StOpPeD sMiLiNg FoR yOu
FoR yOu SmIlEd FoR aNoThEr
AnD i StOpPeD cHaSiNg AfTeR yOu
fOr YoU cHaSeD aNoThEr

The Club Last Weekend

...*AnYwAyZ*...tHaNkX fOr StOpPiNg By....