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Work done in College

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Here is some of the thing I did in college so far, just click on the picture for enlargement

Click on the links below to go to each one.

[Web Development - HTML]
[Web Development - Front Page 2000]
[Graphical Desinging - Coral Draw 10]
[Graphical Desinging - Freehand 10]

Web Development - HTML
We started off with HTML, and we struggled a bit in doing nested framesets, but we got it right as you can see here.

Frames we started off with

We had to design a game only using Note pad and HTML. This is the original Game.
The one which you can play at the top, is a different one I designed for this web site.
We had to use Coral Draw 10 and Coral Photo Paint 10 to design the banner and the seahorses

A simular game to noughts and crosses


Web Development - Front Page 2000
This was the original web page we had to design for college it is still running on the web at, but it will only be running until December 2002.
That's why I designed the one you are currently browsing, for the pupose to have it longer than the year 2002.

My first try at a web page


Graphical Desinging - Coral Draw 10
We had to design a magazine advertisement, about a surfing company. It was made in Coral Draw 10

A magazine ad (Sorry no bigger version)

We had to design CD Front Cover, CD Inside Cover, CD Back Cover and CD label. The theme was the Idols of 2002. It was made in Coral Draw 10

CD Front Cover

CD front cover

CD inside front cover

CD Inside Cover

CD inside cover

CD Back Cover

CD back cover

CD Label

CD Label on the cd itself


Graphical Desinging - Freehand 10
We had to design a magazine cover in Freehand 10

Magazine Cover September 2002


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Site Copyright© 2002 Nadia Venter