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Peeve's Vegas pix continue....

Here are more pics from Vegas!!!

699-800-1 The Whosers in costume for the Rio's Masquerade in the Sky. The Mother from "Baby Blues" stands in for LKK.

699-800-3 Laura, Shaunna Na and Shaunna's friend Amber wait in line for ticket exchanges at Saturday Night's 2nd show.

699-800-6 Melanie waits anxiously for the cast to come out after the show. Notice Dawn in the background talking to Michelle.

699-763-16 Here's the Marquee of the show we all came to see! Drew Carey's Improv All Stars at the MGM Grand's Hollywood Theatre!

699-800-8 Michelle and Dawn wait patiently by the Hollywood Theatre doors.

699-800-9 Greg Proops comes out, and for once is not mobbed by the Whoser hoard!

699-800-11 It's pandemonium by the time Chip Esten and Colin Mochrie come out. Notice Nancy getting as much as she can on video...

699-800-13 Brad Sherwood gets mobbed. Does anyone notice where Brad's hand is? Would this qualify as a really "candid" shot?

699-800-17 Here's a cute pic of Cheryl with Drew Carey

699-800-18 And here's Drew with the lovely Shaunna Na!

699-800-20 Sometimes the only way to get a pic with a star is to jump in with someone else. Melanie had just gotten her pic with Colin and I jumped right in, having her stay there and got a pic with Colin, too!

699-800-21 Here I am with Brad after telling him that the Doctor's office called, his vasectomy reversal didn't take, and he's entitled to a refund. He told me he thought he only went in for a circumcision.
(Note: for more details, see billboard in Las Vegas across from Luxor)

699-800-22 Here I am with Chip, the best kept secret of WLiiA

699-800-23 Dharma, LKK, Cheryl and Melanie on the bed after Saturday's show. Cheryl looks like she's practicing opera, in LKK's ear. Our favorite cat, Garfield, stands in for LKK.

699-800-25 Cheryl, Melanie and Nancy relax on LKK's bed. Reminds me of the song,
"There were three on the bed and the little one said, Roll over, Roll over!
So they all rolled over and one fell out...."

I've got the rest of the Vegas pictures posted on page 3!!!! Just click HERE to go there!