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Here are the rest of Peeve's Vegas pix....

Wow! Here are still more pics from Vegas!!! The best of the 3rd and final roll!

699-763-1 Cheryl and me posing for the camera in LKK's room after Saturday night's show. No, I am NOT drunk!

699-763-3 The Whosers wait for a table at that great restaurant in the Bellagio! The father in the cartoon "Zits" stands close enough to completely hide LKK

699-763-5 Here's Nancy, Cheryl and Rachel at that restaurant. This pic just screams "Sex Appeal!!!!"

699-763-6 LKK, Michelle and Melanie at that restaurant. The mom on "Baby Blues" stands in for LKK again!

699-763-7 Cheryl, Me and Rachel...It's not often I get to put my arms around 2 gorgeous women at the same time, so you know I'm in 7th heaven!!!

699-763-8 The pirate ship in front of Treasure Island, just prior to the pirate show.

699-763-9 The British frigate in position to round the bend prior to the pirate show

699-763-10 Cheryl and Katie wait outside the Hollywood Theatre after Sunday's improv show. Don't ask about the strange haze in the lower right quarter of the pic...I have no idea...a ghost maybe? Better call John Edward on the SciFi Channel....

699-763-11 Me, Ryan and Melanie. Yes, it's yet another opportunity for me to jump in right after someone gets their pic taken, so I can get a pic, too! Whoever took the pic took it early, and Mellie and I were still talking to someone. Ryan, of course is the true professional, and always ready for a Kodak moment....

699-763-12 Rachel gets Drew Carey's autograph!

699-763-13 Well, after 6 shows, only one of which I saw, I finally get to talk to Drew! I told him to get my $200,000.00 ready, 'cause I'm gonna ace this year's "What's wrong with this episode?" on the Drew Carey Show. And then I'm gonna kick his butt bowling! Drew seemed to like that someone was talking about something coming up, 'cause he stopped signing autographs for a moment and gave me a little info, which made me feel real special!!!

699-763-14 Chip Esten gets a (((Peppihug))) from Nancy! Does it look like Nancy's enjoying being with Chip just a little bit???

699-763-15 The Whosers group photo in front of the Hollywood Theatre! Grandpa from "Pickles" stands in for LKK!

699-763-17 Rachel gets a patented (((((Peevehug))))) and, to my amazement, I get a wonderful (((((Rachelhug))))) right back! I'm lovin' it!!!

699-763-18 Linda (RandCFan), Melanie and Cheryl! Beautiful!!! (to the 3rd power!)

Well, that's the best Vegas pics from my roll! If you saw something you like, let me know what the picture number is, I'll get a reprint for you! Great rates! I promise!
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