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Name:Meliza Limjuico
Nickname: Da wun-n-onlee iza
BIrthday:September 15th 1986
Location: Las Vegas 7o2
Skool: Las Vegas Wildcats c/o 04
age: 15 gonna be 16 soon
favortie color: blue,yellow, and red.
favorite food: mah maamz cookin (ish MMM gewd) der pasta.
fav. movie: I gotz hella fav movies..yall wanna know just ask
fav. show: gotz alot
nat: 100% full pnay-n-proud ob it!
email addy:,
screen name: preciouspnay04
quote: Alwayz Smile w/ Azn stylez
gender: full pnay...gurlie
aim: imzangelic4ya
fav soda: Dr Pepper, Cherry 7up.
hobbies: kicking it wid mah friends, playing
basketball, talkin ta mah friends on aol.
sports: basketball -n- basically ne1 but baseball cuz i can never hit da ball
team: LAKERS! suck!!! hehe jk iza, i'll fix it when u see dis!LoL -abi