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Walking my way each and every day.
I see Shadows
Of When----
Days and nights these shadows never end.

I look behind me while I walk
Only to hear whispers of what was done
I'm driven by fear to take up and run.

Only leading me to a dark place
I'm a victim of myself
Of society--the eyes of the past
Wondering how long this would last

I feel such helplessness at times
So many mistakes in one's lifetime.
Cleaning my world is left unfinished
If only the past would just diminish.

Would I then be blinded to these shadows
That stop--then come again
Could I rid myself of this torment
That these shadows surely send?

I traveled many wrong avenues.
But as I look at my fruits
There's many familiar sins
I would rather not answer to again

As I close my eyes I see
A portrait of a brand new day.
I awaken and take a deep breath
To a new world-- bright and fresh

So when shadows come peering in.
Remember who inhabits your thoughts
God can bring light from the dark
and then your healing will start

The eyes of the past are gone
I look at myself like HE does.
Fresh and new each day
My sins are now washed away

©Janet Ford Feb.2003