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My Own Way

My Own way
My own choice
My world--not yours
To speak your voice

My own way
My freedom to live
Alone-without you
But still needing to forgive

So many years
So many scars left in our hearts
Where love once occupied
But now our time to say Good-bye

I cryed many tears
When we started to part
Walked many miles
Hoping we wouldn't depart

But life showed no mercy
Our love was no longer true
My future would be my Own.
With only memories of our youth

My own way I would find
My own happiness I would make
Trying to get along without you.
Not dwelling on our many mistakes.

My own way--right or wrong
I would learn to live again
My own way---what remains
Without our love
To honor and obey

My Own way
Not what I looked forward too
But to much dust covered the past
But maybe with HOPE
We'd make it through

And My Way
Would turn into
"Our Way"
©Janet Ford May-2003

The music on this page is for Your listening pleasure and personal enjoyment
All copyrights belong to their respective artists

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