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When We First Met

When we first met Spring was in the air
Everything new--Nature was no longer bare

The colors were a work of art
The landscape being painted
with a fresh new start

Then there was you and me.
Two people who just met to fill the Morning

With the splendor of a new adventure
We walked together to the Oceans harbour

Holding hands with teasing in our eyes
We talked and laughed
as we walked side by side

The smell of the Ocean was up ahead.
The aroma of Springs newness
was all that needed to be said.

Love was spelled out across the land
A new love for us--If you understand

It filled our Day
like the leaves fill the trees.
When we first met
In the spring time breeze

The winds might change
But our hearts will always remain the same.

When we reach the Ocean
We'll never be alone

Our direction knitted together
In the Spring time
With our hearts filled
and doubts put aside

With promise of love
Together we would stay
If only just one day

As we first met--In the Spring Time

©Janet Ford May 2003


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