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Reading Our Book

I sit and read my darling dear.
The words you write from your heart.
Words of truth and well thought of
I ponder as I begin to start

This book holds bits of you and me
Stories to share with family
Laughter and tears and many ordeals
Telling not all--but partially

Some too private and only for us
Some stories for others to learn
To instill in their own lives.
And take with them on their Journey
When Love discovers-- their turn.

Much is hidden in this book
As I read between the lines.
Others must find truth themselves
Through the pages--secrets they'll find

I go ahead and read some more
Memories come with many smiles
Then a tear runs down my cheek
Oh the good times and the hard

This book I'll treasure always
And keep close to my heart
A piece of ourselves are on each page
To keep and bind--never apart

The book---A token of our love
With no farewells but only what we found
Together in life's exhibitions
Now safely in a book tightly bound.

©Janet Ford August 2003