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Your Special

My heart is filled with Love
cause you belong to me
If only for awhile
I know that God has blessed me.
A gift from heaven above.

Sleep well my little one
Through the night you will dream
Dreams you won't remember
But dreams someday you'll see.

Your future now is locked
behind a cloud in heavens tower
With visions and melodies
They'll blossom like a flower

With each new day ahead of you
And many birthdays to come and go.
You will become my special child
And once again this story will be told.

Of a little flower so delicate and small
Who filled my heart as I watched you grow
And knowing the tower would be opened soon.
I knew you needed to be on your own.
So with tears--
I watched you go

You'll always be my special Girl.

Written for my daughter Dina

©Janet Ford Feb.2004


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