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<IMG SRC=""WIDTH=144 HEIGHT=640 BORDER=0 USEMAP="#SNRegMap"> Congratulations
You have successfully navigated the World Wide Web and have found a CyberSurfari Treasure...Good Work Cyber-Hunters!


Remember, perseverance is key...the more treasure codes you find and submit, the better your chances of winning cash, tshirts, mousepads, and certificates!

Enter your CyberSurfari Treasure Key Code in the space below and hit the "Submit" button to add this treasure to your final score.

Caution: Be very careful to type your key code accurately. If it is incorrect, you will not receive credit for the code.

If you didn't get here by playing Lycos CyberSurfari Fall '99, please visit CyberSurfari.Orgfor all the details on this fun, educational, and exciting Internet expedition.
© 1999, (Software & Information Industry Association) founding sponsor, and The Children's Web Surfing Alliance (TCWSA). All Rights Reserved.