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LOL Inside Story

LOL Inside Story

This is a place where LOL players post their articles.  It is absolutely
free of charge.  Articles can be in any form, but it must be LOL related
article. If you are interested to post something here, please email your
article to  Note: No ad allow, No dirty words, we 
reserve right to remove your article from here at anytime.   --- Atoms

w17 Marathon Enter A New Chapter News: Marathon tourney has move to 1:00 pm Saturday, We got approved from Potzy to run Marathon tourney on either 11:00 am or 1:00 pm Saturday. We are planned to run it at 1:00 pm Saturday. Thanks Potzy and thanks all for your support. Here is the email from Potzy.... Subj: Re: Batsford Opening Thematic -- Need New Time Date: 98-01-25 11:39:33 EST From: (Eric Peterson) To: (L. Stephen Kelly) CC: (ICC Admins),, Tomng777@AOL.COM Dear sacman, Atoms, and Allan: My initial letter was too harsh. I think it is bad to have two events starting at exactly the same time. BUT I think we have to allow events to overlap in time. We have so many people logged in now, and so many scheduled events, that it is becoming unavoidable to have overlapping events. As long as the events do not start at the same time (so there is not a flood of confusing s-shouts), and as long as different tournament bots and different channels are used, we CAN have events that overlap. I would suggest to Atoms that he pick a different starting time for his LOL marathons. Perhaps 11am or 1pm on Saturdays. Thanks. - POTZY 1.25.98

Death of w17 Marathon ANNOUNCEMENTS: I am sorry to announce w17 Marathon is officially close due to conflict with other ICC scheduled tourney events,if you want Marathon tourney event in ICC, please message Potzy to show your support. Again, w17 Marathon will close until approval from Potzy. Thanks you in advance for your support. ---Atoms Here is the email from Potzy.... Subj: Re: Batsford Opening Thematic -- Need New Time Date: 98-01-24 15:32:07 EST From: (Eric Peterson) To: (L. Stephen Kelly)(Sacman) CC: (ICC Admins),, Dear sacman, Atoms, Allan: I suggest removing Atoms as a Tomato Manager if he refuses to cooperate. All Tomato managers MUST defer to scheduled tournaments. I am cc-ing this to Atoms and to Allan. - POTZY On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, L. Stephen Kelly wrote: > I have a problem. > > It seems that Atoms has decided that he can run tournaments, and > present them as ICC events straight through pre-scheduled ones. He has > chosen 12 Noon on Saturdays for his unannounced "LOL Marathons." (e.g. > the file "help LOL" says NOTHING about these new tournaments; he > appears to have done this entirely on his own). > > I have tried every single bit of reason with Atoms, including a > rescheduling to either 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM, but this guy gives a new > meaning to the word, "dense." He has made up his mind that he's going > to run his tournament when he pleases, and everyone else be damned. > > If he refuses, or if nobody cares, I am in need of a new scheduled time > to run Thematics. I am open to suggestions. > > -- > L. Stephen Kelly | Great Western Chess Productions > | My Personal Home Page: > sacman on ICC+FICS | > > 1.24.1998
CLOCKS Good use of the clock is critical in 3 0 w17 games. How many times have you wished that you had just a couple more seconds at the end of the game or lost a game with over a minute left on your clock and thought that maybe you should have pondered a critical sequence more thoroughly? Beginning, intermediate and advanced players alike can review their clock management skill in an effort to improve their game. So what factors should be considered in reviewing clock use and how can players of all levels maximize their productivity? We can ask ourselves of the following questions. What is the point having time on your clock when you lose? Having time on your clock is of no value, obviously, when you lose. Top players (Azzazello, Atoms and slav) always seem to win with time on their clocks ticking down to zero. What can we learn from this? They spend the time wisely, thinking before they play a fatal move. We must recognize the key moments in the game and spend the time necessary to properly analyze the position. How can critical thinking time be maximized? A well planned opening will maximize time for the critical mid and end games. I try to make my first ten moves within 20 seconds. A practiced opening will allow for good piece development and minimize time usage. Let’s all resolve to use our clocks wisely, think through the key moments in our games and not be afraid to be flagged in the effort to play a better game. Any other thoughts on clock management would be appreciated…Thanks…TheSwapper 1.7.1998
