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**** PEACE ****

PEACE (pes) n. 1. Freedom from war or a stopping of war. 2. A treaty or agreement to end war or the threat of war. 3. Freedom from public disturbance or disorder; public security; law and order. 4. Freedom from disagreement or quarrels; harmony; concord. 5. An undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity. --At peace, 1. Free from war. 2. Quiet; in repose. --Make peace, to end hostilities, settle arguments, etc

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Peace Links:

Peace Corps- For more than 30 years, Peace Corps Volunteers have been fighting hunger, disease, poverty, and lack of opportunity.

Peace Corps Crossroads- highly comprehensive list of Peace Corps (and other) related web sites, by category.

Peace Corps Employment- information about permanent Peace Corps staff employment is distinct from recruitment of Peace Corps volunteers.

Index - CAPCA's Peace Corps Links- comprehensive guide to Peace Corps related resources on the Internet.

Volunteers of Namibia Links- This site is for volunteers of Namibia that wish to tell about their experiences, find old friends and leave an e-mail address so others can find them.

Zen's link- Zen's support the world wide battle against all civil wars around the world. Post here a message and get some importants Peace documents

Dana Alcala's RAP Boardroom.- Bible Boardroom

Peace Articles: