words beginning with the letter F
This is a common dream which usually represents underlying fears and feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Interpret your dream by considering your primary fears and current difficulties. Especially, those situations that seem somewhat outside of your control (financial, romantic,etc.). The prophetic meaning of this dream is if you fall a long distance and get hurt, be prepared for really hard times a head, but if you fall and do not get injured your upsets will be minor and temporary.
Dream can be looked at on several different levels. You may be dreaming about your father and expressing your feeling, about him or toward him, in a safe way. Traditionally a father dream can be seen as symbolizing authority and power. In your dream you are expressing you attitude about your strengths and weaknesses, as they relate to your position in life, and your general attitude toward society.
If you are experiencing great fear in your dreams, you are having nightmares. These types of dreams are positive because your unconscious mind is trying to tell you something. If your have repressed issues, they are coming to the surface. Think about the fear in your dreams and try to be honest with yourself. Face your fears, as a great American president once said, "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself".
It usually symbolized anger and confusion which comes about in times of change. If nothing is changing in your life, it may be a clue that a change is needed or that you trying to change internally.
This is a very complex symbol, which can have both negative and positive connotations. When interpreting this dream, you need to consider all of its details and your emotional responses in the dream. Fire can be a deeply spiritual symbol, representing transformation and enlightenment. On the other hand it could represent danger, anger, passion, pain or fear. Is the fire in your dream destroying something or simply warming you? Are you currently engaging in negative behaviors, or are knowingly making wrong (or destructive) choices? Your subconscious mind may be warning you, and at the same time encouraging you to alter those things in your life which may be hurtful and dangerous.
Some people believe that when you dream about fish you will soon find out that you or someone you know is pregnant (waters of the womb). Others believe that if you see fish in your dreams it is a forecast for sickness and poor health. In Christianity, Christ is at times represented by the fish symbol (spirituality). These water dwelling animals may represent messages from our unconscious, and indicate to us how well we navigate through our emotional waters. They could symbolize body and soul nourishment, and navigation through the unknown depths of ourselves.
Floating in water can be symbolic of floating on top of your emotions and in harmony with the unconscious. Floating through the air has the same symbolism as flying. Floating usually represents your current feelings of peacefulness and general freedom.
When we look at flowers, most of us feel some joy and aliveness. At the very least we, appreciate their beauty and see their value. Flowers are beautiful and in our dreams they could represent the simplest feelings of contentment to the deepest feelings of spiritual unfoldment. The colors could symbolize the psychic centers in our bodies, called chakras. Flowers also represent hope and positive growth, along with simplicity, innocence and possibly virginity.
Floods are caused by heavy rain and the melting of snow. Water in any form, including rain and snow, symbolizes emotions. Dreaming abut being in a flood is an indication that the dreamer is currently experiencing powerful emotions, and may at times be overwhelmed by them. The flood in your dream could represent a very powerful, or even violent, emotionally cleansing experience. But don't worry, just like in an actual flood, waters reside and so do emotions. Depending on the content of the dream and your emotional experience in it, the flood could also represent sexuality, and be a sexual dream symbol. Also See: Disaster
Dreams of flying are very common and most people can recall having flown in a dream or two. There are many ideas as to what this means. Some people believe that flying in our dreams can be an actual out of body experience. That we go to places on this physical plane as well as into the inner planes (mostly the Astral). Edgar Cayce thought that this Astral travel may be a precursor to becoming lucid in a dream. Carl Jung's idea was that in a flying dream we are expressing our desire to brake free of restrictions and limitations. We have a desire to be free and above all of our difficulties! Alfred Adler, thought that this dream was a type of a superiority dream in which we reveal the desire to dominate and be above others.
Forest / Woods
They may represent your unconscious or your "mental space". If you are lost in the woods it may be a reflection of feelings of confusion and lack of clear direction.
Our dreams are full of symbolism, with their messengers being all different types of people. It is very common to dream about our friends. These are individual that are emotionally valuable to us, and we learn about ourselves through them. Dreams are very rarely prophetic, thus whether your dream was good or bad, don't expect it to come true. This dream is more than likely attempting to bring up uncomfortable feelings that you have about yourself or others (remember "uncomfortable" does not necessarily mean bad). Dreams are created by our own thinking processes, our own thoughts created our dreams....thus, the mind that created the dream also knows it's meaning!!!
Old dream interpretation books say that frogs are a good omens and represent happiness and great friendships. From a more modern point of view, frogs may be considered symbols of the unconscious, as they live in the water. Frogs also represent transformation of the positive kind.