Mer-People (Mermaids and Mermen) are Water-Folk who live primarily beneath the sea.
A Mermaid's bewitching voice is said to be able to lure ships onto rocks and men to their
She must just have left the sea.
Her hair and lips
Smelled of the sea till the morning.
Her rising and falling breast was like the sea.
I knew she was poor - But you can't talk of poverty all the time. Gently, next to my ear She sang songs of love.
Who knows what she has learned and experienced In her life fighting the sea. Patching fish nets, casting fish nets, gathering fish nets, To remind me of spiny fish Her hands touched my hands.
That night I saw, I saw it in her eyes; How lovely the sea has risen in the open sea. Her hair taught me about waves; I tossed and tossed around dreams.
Hello and welcome to our
enchanted world,I see that you are interested in the treasures we have been
chosen to keep for our loyal friend Becky, come and we will show you the different thing we have hidden in our treasures chests...hope you are a good swimmer just fallow "Mermista" to the different places she has to show you...and hope to see you back here very soon....