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Dream Dictionary

Words beginning with the letter P...  


This dream, as all dreams, could have several different meanings. If you are packing your stuff and storing it, or packing to move you may be concerned about significant changes that are going on in your life. Otherwise, your subconscious may be organizing and letting go of emotional "baggage". Some other interpretations say that dreaming about packing is simply a hint from your subconscious that you are involved in too many activities and may need to pack some of them up and put them away.


When considering the interpretation of feeling pain in your dream first look at you physical health. If you are feeling pain in your daily life, it may carry over into your dream state. Additionally, if the pain is emotional in nature, question the painful feelings and attempt to identify their source. The dream state is usually a safe way to experience negative feelings that you may not want to deal with otherwise.


The feeling of panic suggests lack of control and confusion. If the primary emotion in your dream was panic, consider the details and try to understand why you were panicking. Do you feel fear, a sense of helplessness and confusion or were you unable to make a quick and accurate decision? Answering these questions will enable you to understand the message in this dream.


Dreaming that you or someone else is paralyzed could be a very scary thing. Depending on the details of your dream and your current situation in life, there are several different, but equally, reasonable interpretations. You may be paralyzed with fear in your dream, which may be symbolic of the fear that you are experiencing in daily life. You may feel somewhat unable to change a current situation and it has manifested itself in your dream, in the form of paralysis. Also, this dream could be sending you a message of caution. It may be conveying to you to stay still and do nothing for now, in regard to a situation that is on your mind and that may be problematic for you.


In this dream you may be expressing feelings and concerns about your parents that you could not express in daily life. Some believe that this dream usually has nothing to do with your parents, but rather the male and female sides of personality. Others believe that the father represents the expressive, creative and protective side of God and the mother the receptive and nurturing side of God.


If putting on pants or changing your pants, was a major activity in your dream you may be questioning your role (at work or/and in private life). To better understand this, just think of the expression "who wears the pants". If your were trying to cover up your genitalia, then the dream may be bringing up sexual issues.


Dreaming about the police could symbolize many different things, thus please consider all of the details carefully. If the police is chasing you, it suggests that you may be feeling some guilt about something that you have done, or have been thinking of doing. The police could be addressing Karmic Law as well as the laws in our physical world. If you are feeling that you can't meet all of your obligations and are fearing repercussions due to an unmet commitment, the police in your dream may be an unwelcome sight. On a more positive note and depending on the details of your dream, the police could symbolize support and protection. Your emotional response to the police will provide you with good clues to interpreting this dream accurately. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming about police is an indication that you will obtain unexpected assistance with a current problem.


For many people swimming pools are associated with summer fun, vocations, rest and relaxation. Interpret your dream based on its content, and see if any these positive feelings are being conveyed to you. All bodies of water represent our emotions and our unconscious. The light in which they are represented depend on the dreamer and on the details of the dream. Also See: Water, Ocean, River.

Porcupine Old dream interpretation books say the porcupine in your dreams is a omen of good news and bad news. Good things may happen to you, but they will carry with them difficulties. From a more pragmatic point of view, porcupines are cute, but untouchable animals. As a dream symbol it may represent a situation or a person in your life that fits that description.


If you are afraid of being pregnant, you may dream of it often. At times woman learn about their pregnancy in their dreams. Your mind knows about everything that is going on in your body even if you are not consciously aware of it. But, don't panic! You could also be pregnant with ideas! Old dream interpretation books say that for a woman to have a dream about pregnancy is a good omen, and that an improvement in her intimate relationship is forthcoming. For a man, it is a warning against casual sex.