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Books and Movies

Although very little has been written

about unicorns in the past,

modern writers have given readers a


to enjoy their favorite types of unicorns.

Here is a list of books in

which you can join the Unicorns

and find yourself in the world

of Imagination.

Acorna Series by Anne McCaffrey


Acorna's Quest

Birth of the Firebringer

Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce

Birth of the Firebringer


Son of the Summer Stars

Saga of the Unicorn Series by John Lee

The Unicorn Quest

The Unicorn Dilema

The Unicorn Solution

The Unicorn Peace

The Unicorn War

Secret of the Unicorn Queen Series

Swept Away by Josepha Sherman

Sun Blind by Gwen Hansen

The Final Test by Dory Perlman

Into the Dream by Suzanne Weyn

The Dark Gods by Josepha Sherman

Moonspell by Gwen Hansen

Serendipity Books by Stephen Cosgrove

Morgan Morning

Misty Morgan

Morgan and Me

Morgan and Yew

Morgan Mine

Tanith Lee's Series

Black Unicorn

Gold Unicorn

Red Unicorn

The Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville

Book One: Into the Land of the Unicorn

Unicorn Dancer Series by R.A.V. Salsitz

The Unicorn Dancer

Daughter of Destiny

Here are many other books that are not in a series:

Are You a Unicorn? by Roy Wilkinson

The Black Unicorn by Terry Brooks

The Book of the Unicorn by Nigel Suckling

De Historia et Veritate Unicornis (On the History and Truth of the Unicorn) by Magnalucius

annotated by Michael Green

Dragons and Unicorns : A Natural History by Paul and Karin Johnsgard

The Dragon and the Unicorn by A.A.Attanasio

Elidor by Alan Garner

The Enchanted Unicorn (Sticker book) by Kathie Billingslea Smith

Guinevere by Sharon Newman

Here There Be Unicorns by Jane Yolen

Immortal Unicorn edited by Peter S. Beagle and Janet Berliner

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

The Lore of the Unicorn by Odell Shepard

The Magic and the Healing by Nick O' Donohoe

Nico the Unicorn by Frank Sacks

The Particolored Unicorn by Jon DeCles

Return of the Unicorn by Suzanne Lord

Sarah's Unicorn by Bruce Coville

Shadow of a Unicorn by Norma Johnston

The Transfigured Hart by Jane Yolen

Unicorns (Sticker Fun) by Pat Hancock

The Unicorn and the Lake by Marianna Mayer

Unicorn Highway by David Lee Jones

The Unicorn Hunt by Elaine Cunningham

Unicorn Mountain by Michael Bishop

Unicorn Sonata by Peter S. Beagle

The Unicorn Treasury compiled by Bruce Coville


The Last Unicorn


Nico the Unicorn



Dungeons and Dragons

Kleo, the Misfit Unicorn

My Little Pony