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Dream Dictionary


One way to interpret numbers that you have in your dreams is to try to see how they are specifically related to you. As a simple example, if you have the number 25 in your dream: maybe your house number is 12 and your parents house number is 13. Together they make 25, and this dream could have been addressing issues in regard to you and your parents. Generally, if you see a zero as part of a number, interpret it as you would any other number in your dreams. See Numbers. Otherwise, a zero can have the same meaning as a circle. The circle symbolizes infinity, completeness and wholeness. The circle of life and the eternal unknown. You the dreamer, may have come to a greater degree of spiritual awareness and the dream could be spiritual in nature. However, as always, examine all of the details in the dream, as well as its tone and mood, and rule out the possibility of "going in circles" as the primary message in the dream.


Dreaming about the living dead may carry a powerful message to you. If you are "walking around like a zombie", it usually means that you are completely detached from all of the things that are going on around you. You may be emotionally flat and not be able to appropriately feel positive or negative emotions. Currently, you may be somewhat out of touch with the main flow of life around you.