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Surfing For Success

Do you want more ideas, direction or inspiration with your club or individual goals? There is one place for you to go seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day where you can find it all. I'm referring to the World Wide Web where Web Sites have been created by thousands of knowledgeable and dedicated Toastmasters. Many carry an abundance of information including theme meetings, table topic subjects, entire speeches, newsletters, and articles.

In fact, when I read Shelia Spencer's article on the Toastmaster environment in the March 1997 issue of the Midtown Express newsletter, I decided it is what every prospective member might want to consider before joining. I obtained permission to put it on the World Wide Web for all to see. You can see it by accessing the link, Prospective Member Choice.

In fact, check out some other web sites I have linked; some are quite awesome. I'd also your appreciate feedback addressed to my email account at:

After absorbing what others have shared, perhaps you will be inspired to share your successes, or even to write about what you have gained from the experience.

Submitted by Paula Horwitz, AbleTMB
Blue Ribbon Toastmasters
for Radio Waves, April 1997

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